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Author's pov

Namjoon captured Jin's lips with his, cupping the elder's cheeks.

Jin widened his eyes at first, but eventually kissed him back.

Holding Namjoon's nape, Jin tugged his hair as Namjoon tilted his head slightly.

He nipped on Jin's plump lower lip, making him part his mouth.

Namjoon took the chance as he entered his tongue inside Jin's mouth.

Time lost its meaning as they both started swallowing each other's lips, devouring their presences wholly as they savoured the moment.

After what seemed like a never ending bliss for the duo, Namjoon slowly broke the kiss.

He stared into Jin's eyes as words lost meaning here for a few more minutes.

"Now that's what you call a kiss," Namjoon said in a deep voice.

Pecking Jin's lips, he spoke.

"And that is called a peck," he said and Jin blinked his eyes exactly twice.

Time skip to a couple of hours later~

"Namjoon~" Jin sighed slightly out of pure bliss at the end.

The pleasure that Namjoon was giving the elder right now was too much to handle.

"Ah, right there. Go a bit more faster, but also gentler please," Jin said and Namjoon continued what he was doing.

He did what Jin said him to do and the elder made a pleasured face as he had his eyes closed.

"Should I continue?" Namjoon asked and Jin nodded, his eyes still closed.

"Yes, please," Jin said, his face still in the same pleasured expression.

Namjoon kept going and Jin opened his eyes slowly.

"You're really good at massaging my forehead," Jin said as he looked at his side to Namjoon who was sitting on the blanket, legs criss crossed.

Jin was lying on the blanket too, head resting on the towels which were the pillows in this case.

Jin's head ache was growing more and more since the last hour. So, Namjoon insisted on giving him a massage so that the pain would reduce.

Namjoon even searched if they had painkillers within what they had right now.

"Maybe if you quit being a businessman, you can be a professional head ache reliever," Jin said as he sat up too.

"I'll keep that in mind," Namjoon said with a light chuckle.

Both of them sat, having nothing to do.

"Who's your hollywood crush?" Namjoon asked out of the blue.

"Brad Pitt. Who's yours?" Jin asked.

"Blake Lively," Namjoon said. "I know that she is married and all but, yeah."

"Hey, can you pass me that water bottle?" Namjoon asked as he pointed to the direction where the plastic water bottles were kept, but he was still facing straight.

Jin spared a glance at the direction and looked back at the ocean.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask Blake Lively?" Jin asked blankly and Namjoon turned his head to look at Jin's side.

"Are you jealous, hyung?" he asked, a little smirle playing on his lips.

(A/n: Smirk+ Smile= Smirle)

"If you want me to be," Jin said as he kept staring at the water.

Namjoon chuckled as he rested his arm on Jin's thigh.

"You better be careful. I can sue you for harassing me," Jin said.

"Yeah, right. You're the victim, I'm the culprit. The trees are the eye witnesses, and the ocean is the prosecutor," Namjoon said and nodded to himself as his chin protruded with a smile as he was stifling his laughter.

(A/n: Actually, Joonie's chin protrudes when he's being serious or thinking deeply about something)

"Here," Jin said as he handed Namjoon the water bottle.

"But didn't you tell me to ask Blake Lively?" Namjoon asked in a teasing voice.

"Yah! I was saying that because your were just staring at the ocean like it was your lover and you weren't even paying attention to anything else I was saying. I asked you what a raw duck is, but you didn't answer. I didn't complain but how can you say that to me now?!" Jin said, or almsot rapped the whole thing and looked at Namjoon.

(A/n: They were arguing like in this video~ Kinda reminds me of it)

(A/n: The video looked exactly like how partners would. Joon was like 'Not in front of the kids'. And their sons kept laughing. By how fast Jin speaks, we can conclude that he has to be in the rap line)

"Okay okay, I was just joking," Namjoon said in a timid voice and got the water bottle from Jin.

"Now go and find another fish. We need one for lunch," Jin said and Namjoon nodded before getting up.

The scene of Namjoon nodding his head looked like how one would nod when their partner tells them to buy groceries from the store.

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