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Obstacles That Prevent Receiving Deliverance.

Most of the people to whom we have ministered deliverance have received it, but not all. Why? Because there are obstacles that prevent it, and these are some:

1. Lack of Repentance.
When there is no recognition or genuine pain for having offended God, the desire to change will hardly be felt; therefore, God cannot work. However, if there is true repentance the Holy Spirit will be able to work and there will be a change of direction, both in the mind and in the heart. This person's life will take a 180 degree turn. Jesus said, "Repent and believe" (Mark 1:15). No one can believe if they have not repented before.

2. Lack of Despair for your Situation and Desire to Change.
The person has to feel jaded by his situation, to such a degree that he comes to hate the state in which he lives. The fear of God has to fill his heart. It's not just about disagreeing with your own sin or failure, but rather, hating it. Until we come to hate that which binds us, God cannot set us free. The duration of the ministry is different for each person. I have prayed for people only once and they are free, while with others it takes longer. Liberation is for people who are desperate and who have the real desire to be free.

3. Selfishness, Desire for Attention.
Some people feel ignored and unimportant. Deep in their hearts, they do not want to be free, but what they are really looking for is to constantly attract people's attention. If they became free, they would not give God the glory.

4. Don't Confess a Specific Sin.
Sometimes a specific unconfessed sin leaves the door open to the enemy, and as long as he has a place in us, he will not leave (John 1.9, Ephesians 4.27).

5. Be Part of a Major Battle.
There are people that the enemy does not want to let go of because, in the hands of God, they are strategic pieces for the blessing of many people. If these people were to experience liberation, through their testimony, they would be an instrument of salvation for the family and for many other people around them. This happens especially when God has a great purpose with them.

6. Lack of Forgiveness.
If a person cannot forgive in his heart, it is impossible for God to deliver him. Forgiveness is such an essential part of liberation that if it doesn't take place, the rest won't work either.

7. Disbelief and Doubt.
There are people to whom he ministers deliverance, but in their hearts, they are doubting that anything can really happen; they have not taken the redemptive work of Jesus for themselves. Remember this is received by faith.

8. Relationship and Alliances with Unholy Souls.
There are people who seek to be free, but are still tied to illicit relationships, and that prevents them from receiving their liberation. For example, people who are living in adultery and fornication cannot be released until they renounce and totally abandon sin.

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