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Can a Christian Be Possessed?

Not! A Christian cannot be possessed because possession
means to own, and Jesus Christ is the owner of everything
Christian, not the devil. In 1 Cor 6:20 "Flee fornication
... because you have been bought with a price. . . "
In the New Testament the word was not 'possession' but
'be under the influence of a demon' or 'have a demon
afflicting him. ' The demons are in the body of the, Christian c.
just like any disease and not in the spirit of it.
Many times we are trying to disciple the devil in
a Christian who does not want to be discipled. We must crucify
the meat but cast out the demons. I have tried to
crucify a demon and cast out the flesh and this only
frustrates the person.

Jesus is the owner of the Spirit of the man and the woman who have accepted Jesus as his savior, for which the areas of liberation must focus on the body and soul.

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