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How Demons Enter

Demons are evil personalities. They are evil spirits, they are spiritual beings. They are the enemies of
God and man. Its objectives are to tempt human beings, deceive, accuse, condemn, oppress, dirty,
resist, oppose, control, steal, afflict, kill and destroy.
Demons enter through open doors,
if they get a chance. They must find some opening.
In other words, you don't catch a demon walking around
street, and accidentally bump into someone who is looking for "home".

Some gateways of the demons are:

1. Generational curses
The familiar spirits are the ones who carry out the curses from generation to generation and are passed on as an inheritance. Exodus 34: 6,7.

Generational curses can manifest themselves in different ways:
Mental and emotional illnesses. These include depression, confusion, and frustration. There are people who say: "my mother always lived in continuous depression and I am suffering from the same" (spiritual inheritance).

Chronic diseases. This includes all kinds of diseases, such as: cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis, and more. Deuteronomy 28: 21,22.

Disintegration of the family. This includes situations such as: divorce, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, inability to conceive, alcoholism and drug addiction. Deuteronomy 28:41.

Continued poverty. Deuteronomy 28: 17-29. It is seen in people who can never prosper materially and live in continuous poverty. If you have seen some of these
Indications in your life is a sign that there is a generational curse operating.

2. Deliberate sin
Believers can sin against the Lord by omission or commission. The sin of omission is the sin that is committed because we do not realize or ignore that what we are doing offends the Lord. The sin of commission is that fault that is committed voluntarily and knowingly that it is wrong. When we sin in the same area continuously, we are opening a door for demons. For all willful sin, there is a demon and that one comes to operate in the specific area of ​​our weakness. Take anger for example.

3. Traumas or strong emotional impacts
Every time a trauma takes place in a person's life, it can become an open door for the enemy to come to oppress, obsess, or take possession of a life. It is for this reason, that it is necessary to take the necessary measures to heal the trauma and close that door quickly.

4. Occult, witchcraft and false religion practices
The main cause of the occult and witchcraft is idolatry. God clearly said that he hated idolatry of all kinds. Anything that includes any activity of worshiping other gods is an open door to enter the occult, witchcraft, and sorcery. It is also a form of entry of demons from people. Anyone who visits a sorcerer makes a pact with the enemy either directly or indirectly.

5. Rejection
Rejection is another open door for the enemy, whether it has taken place from the mother's womb, in the prenatal stage due to negative influences, such as: desire on the part of the parents to abort it, that the baby is the product of a relationship outside of marriage or that one of the parents is irresponsible. Also, when parents favor their children, when there are disputes at home and the marriage is about to break up; when spouses are bitter or have no time for their children. All of this provides a perfect atmosphere for demonic presence and activity. James 3:16.

6. The laying on of hands
1 Timothy 5:22. When one person lays his hands on another, a law called the "law of contact and transmission" is put into operation. Through it, a person can transfer the power of God, the power of the enemy, or unclean spirits. Unclean spirits can be transferred from one person to another. Be very careful who lays hands on you.

7. Idle words
The word of the Lord teaches that in the tongue is the power of life and death. Sometimes we curse and give way to unclean spirits through our mouths. This is what we call self imposed curses. We use expressions such as: "I am always sick", "I am dying", "My children are stupid and clumsy", "I wish to die". These spoken words impose curses and this opens doors for the enemy. Matthew 12: 36,37.

8. Soul alliances
Relationships with ungodly people, fraudulent businesses, hidden relationships of adultery and fornication, manipulation and control. Any relationship that is secret opens the doors to the enemy.

9. Books, videos and music
Certain types of books, movies and music are consecrated to the devil before they are distributed and, as a result, everyone who uses them will be opening a door to the demons. There are many musical groups in the world that make pacts with him

enemy so that they "go well" in their career and for that, they consecrate and dedicate music to the enemy.

10. Mind control
When people expose themselves to being hypnotized or mind controlled, they open a great door for unclean spirits to enter, since the mind becomes passive and the will cannot act to accept or reject something.

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