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I am frequently asked this question, "Can you
a person free himself of demons? "My answer
is: "Yes", and it is my conviction that a person does not
can really stay demon-free until
when he is walking in this dimension of self-liberation.

And how is it that a person can free himself
same? As a believer (and this is our assumption) you have
the same authority of the believer who moves in the ministry
release. He has the authority of the name of Jesus.
and Jesus promises all who believe: "In my name
they will cast out demons "(Mark 16:17).

Usually a person only needs to learn how
practice self-liberation. After he has had a
initial release in the hands of an experienced minister,
he can begin to practice self-liberation.

The biggest problem facing self-liberation
it is to discern with complete certainty the spirits. Almost
all human beings tend to confuse activities
demonic in our lives with the expressions of
our personality. It is not uncommon for a person to react
to the discernment of a certain spirit with, "oh,
I only thought that I was like that! "There are many who want
go the do-it-yourself path so that
no one knows the hidden sins in your life. This is not a
good reason to start self-liberation.
The Word teaches us that there is a place for confession;
in effect James 5:16 says:
"Confess your offenses to one another, and pray for one
others, so that you may be. healed. The effective prayer of the righteous
can much ".

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