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What Not to Do in a Release

A. Don't give advice like this: "I know exactly how you feel, give your burden to the Lord." If they really knew how to surrender to the Lord, they would not need his help.

B. Don't try to cast out all demons in one sitting. I advise that a release should not last more than two hours, otherwise you will be exhausted and the counselee too.

C. Don't become a permanent crutch. We must teach people to practice self-liberation and to depend on God, not on us.

D. During a ministering it is not advisable for the minister to be alone with a member of the opposite sex. Always try to work with a prayer partner.

E. Be careful with physical contact, do not touch the person if it is not necessary or guided by the Holy Spirit. Some parts of the body that it can touch are: the feet, hands, stomach or even the head of the person, all this in the company of other people or interested parties.

F. Don't minister when you are tired.

G. Do not minister to one person while alone, be sure to practice deliverance with more people or stakeholders.

MINISTERING FOR DELIVERANCENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ