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Steps to Minister Deliverance.

1. Make sure the Person is Born Again. If the person is not saved, we must present the plan of salvation and lead him to receive Christ in his life. If deliverance is ministered without meeting this requirement, that person's condition will become worse because Christ is not his Lord.

2. Prepare the Person. We must give you important advice, such as:

• You must want to be free.

• You must be willing to forgive those whose offenses are the cause of your problems. If this is too difficult for the person to do at the moment, postpone the date until they are willing to forgive.

• The person must make a serious commitment to stop sinning, to break bad habits, and sometimes even to leave some friends; that is to say, do everything necessary to achieve healing. • You must promise to stay close to God, attend church, read the Bible, and pray daily.

3. Use the Questionnaire. The questionnaire will go a long way in ministering to the counselee effectively. You will be asked questions in five areas of your life, the answers to which will help you find the root of your problems by omitting nothing. For this reason, it is very important that the person answer all the questions. The areas in which people are liberated are: the emotional, mental, spiritual (witchcraft and occult), sexual and others. There will be certain details that will not be included in the questionnaire; therefore, we must write down each experience that the counselee tells us. In each area, we must make a list with the names of the spirits that are influencing the person. For example, if she was sexually abused, the spirits that could be influencing her are: lust, adultery, fornication, lewdness, sodomy, and frigidity.

4. Lead to Repentance and Forgiveness. Once all the information about the person's problems is gathered, we proceed to repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness for the sins committed. If someone has hurt that person, she needs to ask God for forgiveness for holding a grudge in her heart and forgiving those who have hurt her.

5. Lead to Give Up. This is the stage where the person is led to give up every problem and spirit described in the list that was made. Why is the act of resigning necessary? When a person resigns, what he is doing is taking away all legal rights to the enemy over his life. In previous chapters, we saw how the enemy is given legal rights, how he comes to influence us, and how doors are opened to him. Now we see that resignation is the means by which we take away that legal right and close the doors to the enemy. Remember that when the person is giving up, he must repeat the prayer, going through every area of ​​his life where he needs deliverance. For example: "I renounce all spirit of rejection and cast it out of my life, in the name of Jesus, amen!" "Teaching us that, renouncing impiety and worldly desires, we live in this age sober, just and godly" (Titus 2.12)

6. Make a Spiritual Warfare Prayer. Once the person has verbally resigned, repeating everything as the minister has guided him, he must pray the war prayer, casting out every spirit, curse or emotional problem. You should pray for the person with firmness and authority. For example: “Heavenly Father, I cast out every spirit of rejection, I cast out every spirit of fear in the name of Jesus, and by the blood of the Lamb, I bind it and cast it out of this person's life; right now I order you to release it. What are the signs to know that the spirit is gone or gone? The "visible" signals are:

yawn, vomit, cough, sigh, roar, exhale, scream, burp, moan, gasp, or cry. Remember that these are some signs, but they do not mean that if there is no manifestation, the person has not been free. There are some people who are free without physical manifestation. If the demons try to get violent, order them to be quiet and not to move. By no means should they be allowed to control a release session

7. Pray for Cleanliness. Asking the Lord to cleanse every part of the individual's personality that the spirits have damaged. This will include your mind, your heart and his will and also the parts of the body, particularly the sexual areas. For example: “Heavenly Father, I ask you, now Lord, cleanse those areas of this person's mind that were damaged by the enemy. Lord, cleanse his sexual organs through the blood of Christ. Cleanse, Lord, those parts of his soul and his will in the name of Jesus, amen.

8. Pray for Fullness. Let us remember that when the spirits leave the person, it remains empty; and it needs to be filled by God. Ask the Lord to fill you with his presence, peace and love from him. For example: “Heavenly Father, I ask you to fill (person's name) with peace, love and your presence. Lord fill all

The voids that these spirits have left, right now in the name of Jesus, amen.

The counselee must appropriate physical health, especially in those parts of the body that have been affected. We have ministered to visually impaired people, and when the spirit operating in their body was rebuked, they have been completely healed. Some people will need more than one release session, as they carry too much burden, and one session, sometimes, is not enough. However, most of the time, people receive their release in one sitting.

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