July 10

13 2 0


After the fight, Rim keeps of taunting me but I ignore her, good thing she's a girl who doesn't go overboard or I'll hang her in the flag pole (that's an empty threat though...).

She is pestering me until I saw her running away from the Jingxiu students in the small road going to our campus. The Jingxiu students, although rich, formal, prim and proper, are capable of killing Heiwa students by all means. These rich kids bring swords to kill them (or should I say us). I run towards Rim to block the rich kids.

Rim stops and she goes near to me

J1: Rim Leung must die!!

Ryung: I'll protect you lady Rim, don't fret

Rim: don't call me lady, help me instead!

J3: lady Rim?...pssh!

J4: oh, who's this dark skinned guy? he's ugly

J2: kill them!!!

Rim and I start attacking the Jingxiu students using our hands. They are 4 of them and are not too strong, so it's easy to defeat them. The four students fall asleep and Rim gets a fruit knife and when she's going to stab it to the students, I stop her

Ryung: we're troublemakers but not murderers

Rim: sh*t

Rim drops the knife and we start walking towards the school

Rim: I shouldn't wear my Heiwa uniform

Ryung: No, Heiwa students avoid that path, so you shouldn't pass over the Jingxiu Academy compound

Rim: anyway, thank you Ryung

Ryung: you're welcome

upon entering the campus and the classroom, the teacher glare at us and-

class 4-A: Eeeeeeee~ love birds!!!

teacher: you're late Mr. Catallena and Ms. Leung

Ryung: forgive us Mr-

Rim: and when did we have a formal lesson here in class 4-A?

so the class starts to be chaotic, throwing papers everywhere, shouting, howling and messing around

Rim: now, that's better *chuckles*

teacher: grr!

the teacher goes out and Rim sits at the teacher's table, this girl indeed.


3:00 p.m. comes and I go straight to the hospital to work.

Inside the hospital, the head caregiver will introduce me to my new patient, so we go inside the room

caregiver: Ryung, this is Yao, your new patient

Ryung: Hi Yao

Yao: hi

he is lying on the bed, looks thin, he has head wrap, scars and wounds

Ryung: what's wrong with him?

caregiver: he fell from a high building

Ryung: *sigh

caregiver: don't worry Yao, Ryung is here, he will take good care of you... now Ryung, I'll leave you here?

Ryung: yes ma'am

and she goes out from the room. I look at Yao and he looks really down...

Ryung: I will not be a bothersome to you, in fact we can be good friends

Yao: I'm Yao, 16

Ryung: I'm Ryung Catallena, I'm also 16

Yao: from what school?

Ryung: Heiwa High School

Yao: I see ... but a nice guy like you, should not fit there

Ryung: but actually I had friends and Heiwa is not Heiwa if there are no fights, I already understand my school

Yao: is that so...

the we continue to talk about other things, after the conversation, we eat together and watch over him 'till he falls asleep.

Heiwa Gakuen [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now