September 8 (meanwhile)

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Back to the Jingxiu Academy...

Mir enters my room and starts washing my eyes

Kireo: thank you Mir

Mir: anything else you need lead—

Bi enters the room

Bi: that Mir is a traitor! She saved Rim!! SHE MUST DIE!!!

Mir: YOU'RE FROM HEIWA! You're more deserving to die!

Bi comes closer and slaps her. Mir touches her cheeks and smiles

Kireo: you slapped a wrong person, do you know who is she!?

Bi: She's just a loser in Jingxiu!!!

Kireo: wrong, she's my girlfriend!

I tell my boys to hold her and I get my axe.

Bi: Yaaa!!! You can't do that to me!!! That girl is betraying you!!!

I can't believe this girl, Mir cannot betray me. Then Mir whispers on my ear and Bi starts trembling

Bi: you b*tch!!

Mir: really? you betrayed Heiwa and your friends, now who's the real b*tch here? *smirk

Then she starts screaming, I aim the axe and

her head is cut off!

Heiwa Gakuen [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now