October 9

4 2 0


Rim vomits. She is not pregnant, but because she cannot stand the foul smell of the corpses that we have to bury at the back of the hospital. All of us, who are still alive, are helping each other in burying the dead, boys and girls, rich or poor, we have to bury the dead.

We did it for 3 hours and we know, we have a lot of dead bodies that should be buried... they are everywhere in Kiseki.

Brown or white or black or yellow, they're gone...

Our peaceful city named Kiseki, it's now a ghost town and a place where dead bodies are scattered due to killing spree of Kireo.

"If only the ghosts of these persons will haunt Kireo..." Araki said, but I doubt that Kireo is afraid of ghosts. He's soul less, he has no conscience.

*sound of vomit*

Rim vomits again. She sits on the road, holds her stomach, shakes her head and—

Rim: WAAAAHHHHH!! I can't take it anymore!!! Ryung....

she starts crying and so I comfort her. The boys are looking at us and I see Tomo vomiting, the smell is too foul to handle.

Face masks are useless, we can still smell

face mask indeed, Kireo 's mask is Yao. I can't believe that a skinny person like him, can kill hundreds... thousands... of people in Kiseki with or without Jingxiu students' help...

I was wrong, Kireo is not human

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