August 25

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From August 20-24. Rim and I are not talking each other,  but the students pair me to her. It's my fault for being scared to her brother, I shouldn't run away, I shouldn't get scared of leader Sheng ...

Dismissal time comes and I pull her from the classroom. We're going somewhere

We ride the bike. We stop first to the shop to buy some food, then we proceed to the beach where there are huge rocks that we can stay at

at the sea where we can watch the waves and feel the cool wind

Ryung: here's the sandwiches and strawberry milk juice

Rim: thank you Ryung

and we start eating while watching the sea.

Rim: this is beautiful!

Ryung: it is beautiful, this is where I'll bring my special girl

Rim: special girl? Who—

I kiss her cheeks and she starts to blush

Rim: Ryung, what's that for!?

Ryung: I like you Rim!

Rim: for real?

Ryung: yes

I hug Rim and we can hear our heart beat. She's the first girl that I got attracted to. I don't know the reason why I like her

Ryung: I love you because it's you

My tear starts flowing. It's a sign of happiness. I never thought that a guy like Ryung likes me. He's silent and too serious. However, I know that he's telling the truth, Ryung loves me - Rim

Ryung: you know what, I find you attractive and kind. I feel light when I'm with you ... I was about to tell it to you but you—

Rim's index finger seal my lips and we start laughing.

Ryung: like your brother do, I'll protect you and take good care of you

Rim: I'll do the same Ryung

After the picnic, I bring her at their house and I start cooking for all of us

Sheng: what is Ryung doing here?

Rim: he's cooking curry  for us

Sheng: he acts as if he's your husband

Sheng looks at Rim and glares at me. Gulp.

...dinner comes...

Sheng: Ryung, please take good care of Rim and protect her ... Rim, I love you very much and I'll watch you from above

Rim: brother, why are you saying this?

Sheng: my time here on earth is going to end ... but what's important, I love you my dear sister

Sheng is going to leave them...

Heiwa Gakuen [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now