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Arriving at Good Hunter, you stood at the stand and waited until she gave you her attention.

"Hello you two! What would you like this evening — todays special is-" she suddenly got interrupted by The Balladeer.

"We'll share a sticky honey roast and a side salad." He affirmed, and she nodded and immediately started making the dishes. You sat down at a table and when you  looked at the scenery, meanwhile your master had just stared at you.

"What's up?" You asked, interrupting the silence. Your sudden words left him flustered in surprise, when he was just zoned out in thought.

"No-nothing. Why?" He answered, making your eyebrows perk. "Is the infamous confident and stuck-up Balladeer nervous?" You snicker, and to which he rolls his eyes. "No, you... just caught me off guard."

"No arguing this time around?" You challenge, yet he seems completely out of it. Was he poisoned? "I don't know — I've just been deep in thought since we spoke to Lumine."

"About what exactly? Are you in love with her or something?"

He scowled in disgust. "Ugh, no. She just seems.... complex."

"Well she can't possibly be more complex than you." You retort.

"Okay, now you're trying to piss me off because I haven't been giving you a reaction."

"No, it's just that you usually aren't so...calm. You're making me think that when I was looking you were replaced by a robot, or something like that."

He scoffs. "How childish, of course that would never happen, don't be stupid."

"According to you, it seems like that's impossible for me."

"It probably is, since you can't seem to prove me wrong."

"Hey — I'm actually very smart. I had my own private tutor and everything before I joined the..." you trailed off, remembering that if you had just said Fatui, people would get all worked up. "...organization. My bad."

"You really are stupid," he states.

"You just wait. My amazing and effortless knowledge will come in handy soon, I just have horrible social cues."


You laugh at how bored he is of arguing with you right now, because he always seems to just want to keep arguing, arguing, and arguing.

"Haha, we should probably tone it down before Sara comes by." You state.

"Why would she care?" He asked.

"Dunno. You can never be too careful."

"I can't tell if the sudden need to be walking on eggshells is because of me or if you've always been like that." He deadpanned.

"Why would I have to walk on eggshells because of you, master? It seems like everything pisses you off, so there's no point in trying. Besides being an absolutely amazing assistant/secretary, though." You gushed, while he just rolled his eyes.

"Sure. I hate to admit it, but you're not as horrible as some of my other assistant/secretaries I've had, but you still suck. You're not wrong about me being pissed off at everything too — if I hadn't known better, I'd think that you've known me all my life."

"No, it's just a very easy feature to spot in you. You don't exactly make it a well-kept secret, my lord."

"Whatever." He smirked.

Sara then walked over and interrupted your conversation, and your head perked up.

"One Sticky Honey Roast and a side salad! Is there anything else I can get you guys for tonight?"

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