the deverouxs

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amor vincit omnia

"that pretty little thing could shatter your skull with her voice if someone decided to teach her how."


Anastasia Zoya Deveroux
resurrection life everest

She is known as Anya by most, and affectionately nicknamed Ghostie by her elder sister, Eden. Her cousin, Luca, occasionally uses it mockingly. Her other nicknames include Anyok, and jokingly Princess, due to her name and semi historical similarity to the Romanovs.

The Harbinger of Death
The Wailing Woman
The Scream of The Damned
The Wraith

Anya is a Scorpio; her birthday is November 1st.

meet the royal... mess!
rough edged and lively, anastasia deveroux is just that; a mess. she's got a fierceness to her, a tough shell that's difficult to crack underscored by her yearning for connection and knowledge. when she feels something, she feels it with her entire body and soul, rendering her incapable of simply 'reacting'. she hasn't quite figured herself out or her life yet; she's learning along the way. anya is a mosaic of her own design, and she builds onto herself every single day.

Anya is currently one of the Thánatoi, a death witch. However, once the curse takes hold, she will become this generation's banshee.

Roman Banshees are solitary. There is only one Banshee in a generation, and they are stripped of all of their previous witch powers when the gene is activated. The curse is triggered by experiencing a life threatening event, or a brush with death. Banshee screams can shatter glass, and once advanced, can crack through stone, as well as solid bone. As harbingers of death, they are able to sense when people are going to die. However, they are not privy to the specific details of said death, or a specific person either; it's a general sense, and the scream sounds off as a warning or once the person has passed on. As aforementioned, the scream can be harnessed and used defensively, but this requires diligent training. 

All she's grown up with are her sister and grandmother, Victoria. Her cousin came later, and her memories of her coven and her parents are very hazy and faint.
— She suffers from intense nightmares as a side effect of the curse, often detailing deaths to come. She can never remember specific details, only hazy feelings after she's awoken.
— The Banshee curse has not activated yet, so she is currently a Thánatoi with her full witch related powers.

— She has an eye for art, though she can't draw it, she loves looking at it. She also appreciates cinema, ballet, and opera.
— Anya speaks French, Russian, Romanian, and Spanish.
— She's always assumed Eden would bear the weight of the curse, thus she's focused on her witch studies most of her life, as well as piecing herself and her identity together after the immense tragedy.

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