the falors

45 5 2

non ducor, duco

"be the good you wish to see in the world."


Leviathan Zechariah Falor
to wind god remembers stake

He always goes by Levi.

King Levi The Good
King Levi The Wise
King Levi The Kind
The Light King
The Raven King
True King Of The Blood
The Shield Of Night
The Pride Of Minerva And Morpheus
The Prince Of Dreams
Ataari ('Hell's Light' in Velorian)
Aetaari ('Hell's Hope' in Velorian)

Levi is a Cancer, and his birthday is July 14th.

trying his best. levi wants to be the best king to his people, the best father to his children, and the best person he can be. he can come off a little helpless, especially being thrust into new environments, but he will prove himself and his capabilities soon enough. he's quite strong and shoulders his plethora of responsibilities well. genuine and kindhearted, he has no problem being real. what you see is what you get with him. levi is pillar of glass — transparent, shining, and forged through a trial by fire.

Fey — Sethosian

The Fey of Sethos are known by their pointed ears and multicolored eyes, as well as by their indigo auras, which may be seen in certain lights, when they use their powers, or when they are bound. They are unable to lie outright, but may creatively spin half-truths and how they approach the way in which they give out information. Their names are written in enchanted ink inside a grand book once they are born, the Asit Talis ('Book Of All' in Velorian). Their parents are the only people who know of their names until they look upon them (and those of their siblings) at age thirteen. Names have power, and Sethosian Fey are able to be summoned and bound with their true Velorian names. They must be bound in chains of iron; the metal is lethal to most Fey if left on too long. Only the royal family are able to withstand extended hours in its presence, as they cannot be killed by iron chains alone. Once bound, they can perform one favor for their binder within their range of powers.

All Sethosian Fey are blessed with powers of the mind, the most powerful among them belonging to their royal family. They each have gifts that correlate to emotions, mental capacities, or dreams. There is rarely overlap between powers, save for the fact that every Sethosian Fey can feel the emotions of those who have not learned to block against them, or those who they share blood with. They cannot lie about their feelings to their families, and this includes chosen blood as well.

They worship Minerva and Morpheus extensively, the most religiously fervent among them praying and performing rituals to the divine pair every morning at dawn and every night at dusk. They celebrate an array of festivals and holidays; it is often joked of that they find any excuse to celebrate, most especially the Falors.

Levi, as a True King Of The Blood (meaning a direct descendant of Queen Anwyn and the Falors before him) has the highest range of powers in his family. Due to Minerva's connection to magic, Levi is a highly skilled sorcerer. His powers are elemental; fire, air, earth, and water, all fall under his domain. As Morpheus is a shapeshifter, Levi can shapeshift as well, and his chosen form (more often than not) is a Raven. Whoever sits upon the throne of Sethos is granted another power (when he was a prince, he was able to shapeshift and once he ascended he learned the ways of magic) as a token of favor from Minerva and Morpheus themselves. Their powers are also heightened above both their family's and the rest of the Fey. That said, they can be killed with an iron sword bathed in the Sirisi 'The Lake Of Heaven'/'Heaven's Looking Glass' and forged in the flames of Duenoto 'The Underworld'/'The True Hell'.

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