part the seventh | sun summoned

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IN A DESERT CASTLE HIDDEN BY MIRAGES, A FAE PRINCE HELD COURT. The Theians, citizens of the Court of Gold, celebrated the passage of the sun from dawn until dusk. One such reveler, Ilene, found her way into the mortal realm, and weakened by the night, was saved from her plight by a kindhearted human woman. The two formed a fierce bond of friendship while Ilene recovered in the mortal realm. Once she was healed and her strength returned, she thanked her savior by bringing her back on a visit to her home. The human, Astra, caught the eye of the Prince of the Court of Flames, and he took her as his paramour, honoring her with the title of Lady of the Southern Court. From their love and union came a daughter, the Princess of the Southern Court, among her various epithets. She was raised there, coming into her powers and her own alongside her people. She had never ventured outside of her realm before; at least until an ancient relic that had gone missing resurfaced. A golden circlet of her father's, crafted for an old lover that allowed her to walk through fire and to touch it without burning, was found in a mortal town called Avellen after centuries of having been lost, a casualty of the Roman siege upon Carthage. Who better than the young princess to answer the call and return the relic to its rightful place? The daughter of the sun and stars has a journey to embark on, and its origins lie with her own salvation, painted golden in the light of day.

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