the van allens

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flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo

"my empire is built on the bones of my enemies, bathed in their blood and hazed in my glory."


Reese James Van Allen
ardent supplanter from stone

His last name can be taken as one, Van Allen.

The Van Allen Heir
The Blood Heir

Reese is a Scorpio; his birthday is October 31st.

a rake. reese is every sinful thought you can think of. he holds no qualms about murder, isn't squeamish whatsoever, and has more ripper tendencies than not. he behaves as though he is unkillable. wildly dramatic and incredibly flirtatious, reese is a true master of seduction. he's quite power hungry as well, notably ruthless. he'll snap a neck without a second thought and drain an entire family without remorse. if there is a hell to believe in, reese would sit upon its throne with a cherubic smile.


Vampires (general) are nightwalkers for the most part, coming out when the sun is down and feeding or going about their business at moonrise. They subsist on a diet of human blood, and may substitute on animals. This weakens them. They are able to compel weaker minds into smaller actions or doing their bidding on tinier scales, but cannot memory wipe or erase foundational or core memories and experiences. The Van Allen line is equipped with special provinces, which is why they have cemented themselves as such an influential family within their vampiric circles. They can change their forms, and Reese is able to shift into a hawk. He can also walk in the daylight due to a spell performed by a Deveroux witch, and they have the ability to procreate if they choose to. He can still be killed by a wooden stake through the heart, and if he goes too long without blood, he will weep it. Reese also has advanced sight, speed, hearing, smell, and reflexes.

— Reese was born in the early 1900s and came of age in the 1920s, making him a little over one hundred. As all immortals within this book do (save for parents, of course), his appearance remains that of an adult in his early twenties.
— He grew up in the lap of luxury and hasn't left it since, though he's moved all around the world with his sister to avoid detection by the human populace.
— He's taken it upon himself to secure the ruby's rightful place with him and his family outside of Avellen. Not to mention, holding the ruby in his hands and having it with him is essentially holding the Van Allen dynasty between his fingers. He can't pass that opportunity up.

— Reese only cares about a select amount of things: blood, himself and his own sensibilities, wealth, and his family. Unless he is made to care, he won't, and he tends not to take anything too seriously anyways. The man is truly dancing through life.
— He drives an original Rolls Royce; it's his absolute favorite car out of his impressive collection.
— Reese is also an aficionado of historical items, and has another impressive collection of them. It's lovingly nicknamed The Scarlet Masoleum, and has artifacts dating back to the dawn of the Roman Empire, all the way up to the modern day.

 It's lovingly nicknamed The Scarlet Masoleum, and has artifacts dating back to the dawn of the Roman Empire, all the way up to the modern day

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