the callidas

35 5 5

vincit qui se vincit

"with hell-beaten, dark red drums, bloody victory this way comes."


Jasmine Sabina Callida
god's gift woman of the sabine people fiery young woman

Jasmine is also called Jaz or Jazzy.

Glorious War
The Essence Of Warfare
The Goddess Of War
The Goddess Of Destruction
The Sword Of Caelum
Bellona Pulvinensis
Bellona Pedisequa
Bringer Of Madness
Wretched Vengeance
The Destroyer

Jasmine is a Taurus; her birthday is May 17th.

level. jasmine has her head on straight, and she uses it alongside her strong sense of duty and responsibility to guide her. she can control her own emotions very well, and she often comes across as both lighthearted and mature. she is not battle maddened or frenzied in her current form, and often uses her heart to listen and assist those who may need her. she protects those who cannot protect themselves, speaks up and out with whatever is on her mind or if something does not sit right with her, and trusts in her own compass to steer her path correctly. determined and fierce, jasmine remains a shining example of excellence individually and as a parent.


As the goddess of war, Bellona can increase feelings and emotions of war. She is a master of armed and hand to hand combat, as well as a fierce warrior. She is an expert in all areas of warfare and a highly skilled battle strategist. She is known to be able to influence the outcomes of wars, increase their chaos and madness, and those blessed by her have the power to change the tides of their battles, decisive or otherwise. She can draw power from the living and the dying so long as they are within conflict. Undead soldiers also fall under her command – she can raise an army of the dead who have lost their wars, or those who have Roman blood. She is able to conjure and use any weapon, curse weapons, disarm others with a gesture (this power does not work on other gods or those with godlike/god level abilities, meaning she would have to disarm them in combat), and she also has weapon omniscience. As the goddess of destruction as well, she can create explosions and aid in the leveling of cities or continents. However, the larger the destruction, the larger the madness and fanaticism for warfare must be. Like calls to like, and every action has a price.

— Bellona adopted the name Jasmine Verena after careful consideration, and she answers to both names. Each is an integral part to her story, and that of her daughter's.
— She's been splitting her time between the mortal realm and Caelum since Iris was born, but her father is completely out of the picture, as per Juno's instructions. She still values her mother's words and approval and finds wisdom in them to this day.
— Though she misses Caelum fiercely, she would not mind the move to Avellen becoming more permanent, as it would introduce her to new people and an actual grain of locational stability for once.

— Jasmine's favorite mortal city is New Orleans; the French Quarter's ghosts call out to her, and she gets along with them quite well.
— Without her helmet, Jasmine cannot be at her full strength in goddess mode, thus her powers are semi weakened at the moment (which frustrates to her no end)
— She will definitely take on the 'communal mom' role for the children of her close friends. Though she's formed many a warriors bond, the bonds of friendship are equally as unbreakable to her.

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