the adairs

33 5 4

nosce te ipsum

"the sea speaks more honestly to those willing to drown."


Kallan Loire Adair
flowing water river happy spear

She usually goes by Kal.

The Enchantress
The Heart Of The Waves
Mistress Of The Depths

Kallan is a Capricorn; her birthday is January 3rd.

mysterious. an air of mystery surrounds kallan, as well as a sense of aloofness. she has a cautious air around her as well. she's perfectly fine teasing or joking with others, but will sober up quickly once a situation shifts. she's a survivor to her core, unafraid to use her gifts to her own benefit. filled with unintentional charm, it's undercut by her jadedness. she is well aware of how her powers work, meaning she is rather distrustful of others as she never knows whether they have taken to her because of who she is or because of her gifts. kal's warmth peeks through in tiny glimmers, and she remains a subject of curiosity for most who meet her.


A siren's most prominent ability is their song. It is immensely powerful, paralyzing all who listen to it by showing them their greatest dream or desire. They have razor sharp teeth (all the better to mar their victims with), as well as skin that is difficult to cut (not impervious like vampires, but very close). While their songs are known to be seductive, their appearances and energies share this trait. It is not inherently sexual; sirens may appeal to whatever their chosen prey finds intriguing or attractive on both platonic and romantic levels.

— Kallan and her brother Caspian have grown up in freshwater sources all their lives, aided by their parents Ambrose and Loreley. They were educated in sirenic history and abilities, as well as that of the mortal realm, with Roman references as required.
— Kallan has sheltered herself more from the outside world than is absolutely necessary, if only to limit her interactions and potential for casualty should things turn south. Thus, she is a bit intrigued by Avellen and curious to discover what life inside of it will be like.

— Kallan is a linguist. She speaks a plethora of human languages and languages spoken by other species (for example, Velorian), and she could be quite useful as a diplomatic translator.
— The color of her tail is a dark teal.
— Her seashell collection serves a greater purpose than looking epic. She's collected shells from every freshwater source she's ever swam in, and keeps them as trophies alongside jewelry from those she's drowned.

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