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Yoongi P.O.V

"Please come hyung, it'll be fun" Jungkook begged me to go to his friends party. "No Jungkook" I responded once again. He knows I'm not a party person. "Please hyung, I'll buy you some oranges" My head shoot up. "Fine" I got up to go with my room to get dressed.

Once we entered the party I wanted to leave. It was so loud and bright. Blue and red L.E.D lights let up everywhere. One person out of everyone in the room caught my eye. A boy who danced with, I guess his friend. The blue L.E.D lights shining on his face made him look eternal. "Go talk to him" Jungkook shoved me towards the boy. "Who is he anyways" I asked trying not to sound like a fanboy. "He's Taehyung, only the most popular kid in the school, and that cutie he's dancing with is Jimin, his best friend, it's his party" Jungkook continued to rant on and on about Jimin, he was totally lovestrucked by him.

"Oh ok, I'ma be back" I walked off trying to find a bathroom. I found myself upstairs. I walked into one of the bedrooms, accidentally knocking over an expensive lamp. "What the hell are you doing here" I heard a voice from behind me. It was that Taehyung, he looked even more eternal up close. "Who's up here" We heard a voice say coming up the stairs. "Get in here" Taehyung pulled me in the closet. Are faces were too close for my liking.

"What the fuck, my vase" We heard the guy yell. After he left I got out the closet as fast as I could. "You should get out of here, please Jimin will get mad" His voice was so soft and angelic. "Thanks" I said then rushed down stairs. I sat on the couch the whole time.

Tae P.O.V

I got a number from some guy I met named Namjoon.

~Next Day~

I decided to text Namjoon after taking my shower and all.

Hey, this Namjoon

No, wrong number

No this was the number I was given

Creep I told you WRONG NUMBER

Ok dude chill the fuck out

Bye weirdo

Can I at least get your name

No and I'm not sending nudes if this
is what you you think

Hell no
Just wanna be friends

Still no

Ok bye new bestie

I checked the number I entered I put 7 instead of 3. "Ugh,I'm so stupid" I placed my phone on the bed before getting up to eat. Well atleast I made a new friend. I wonder who I actually texted.

I drove to school still wondering about the person I texted. I ran up to my best friend Jimin to tell him about it. "So Jiminie, I texted this wrong number yesterday" I ranted on about our converstation this morning and how whoever that person is my new bestie. "Did they say they wanted to be besties" He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Nope" I said in a peppy tone. "Come on Tae, Tae" He laughed as we walked to class. I seen the guy I was in the closet with yesterday. He stared at me as I walked into class. "Tae" Jimin shouted getting my attention. I almost ran into a wall staring at him.

Yoongi P.O.V

I saw Taehyung from the party yesterday. We made eye contact for a while till he almost ran into a wall. I chuckled at him. "Who got you laughing, Yoong" Namjoon playfully hit my chest. "No one" I said smiling at the ground. "It's Taehyung isn't it" Jungkook asked jumping up and down like a child. "Shut up Jeon" I hit him in the back of his head before walking into class. I slept through all my classes like always

Thanks for reading my new book

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