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"You got me tangerines" Yoongi yelled happily. Taehyung smiled at Yoongi who swung his feet back in forth since they didn't reach the floor. "I'm gonna marry your grandson one day" Taehyung said quiet enough so Yoongi wouldn't hear. "I'll stay alive long enough to witness it" She smiled at him. "Now give me one fatty" Yoongi shook his head while his mouth was full with oranges. "It's ok I bought two bags anyways" Taehyung went over to the bag to find one bag gone and the other half empty. Yoongi smiled a him.

"Lucky I love you" Yoongi smiled and continued eating his oranges. Taehyung took two oranges and gave one to his grandmother. "Hurry up we still have to get to Jin's" Yoongi nodded and kept eating.

It had been 2 months since the dinner and Taehyung had avoided this time but Yoongi had no idea what he did wrong. They talked about they're lives, where'd they see the'''loii00-----------  mselves                 ./ in the future and who they see themself with. Taehyung had said Yoongi, Yoongi said he probably end up all alone and if he couldn't see himself loving someone right now.

Yoongi laid on his bed wondering what he had done wrong. "Jimin what did I do" Yoongi asked Jimin who sat on the edge of the older boys bed. "You seriously don't know what you did" Jimin asked. "No! Jimin come on tell me. I love Taehyung, I don't want to ruin this" Yoongi sat up. "Taehyung said in the future he'd see himself with you." Yoongi looked at Jimin confused. "And I said I'd probably be alone" Yoongi repeated to himself until it clicked.

"Aish, I'm so stupid" Yoongi cursed out loud. "Yea, now go see him. I'm coming too I miss Jungkook" Jimin perked up. "You had sex with him before you came here" Yoongi teased. "And?" Jimin rolled his eyes before walking away. Yoongi got ready to go see Taehyung.

How could I be so stupid. Yoongi thought as he got dressed. He threw on a white button up shirt with black pants then grabbed his keys and left with Jimin. The whole ride there Yoongi had no idea what he would say or if Taehyung wanted to talk to him. Yoongi tried his best to listen to Jimin ramble but his mind kept slipping back to Taehyung. For so long he had convinced himself that it was just a crush and nothing more, but he knew he loved Taehyung. He was just...scared

When they arrived Yoongi grew more anxious. If he really did love Taehyung it would be easy to say right. He and Jimin walked up to their penthouse, waiting for an answer after knocking. Once Jungkook opened the door, Jimin walked in after giving Jungkook a kiss. "Hey Kook, is Taehyung here?" Jungkook looked inside before answering. "Yea he is, come in" Yoongi gave a slight smile before entering.

He was honestly happy for Jungkook and how well adapted into his new life style but he missed his little brother. "He's not sleep" Jungkook whispered softly before leaving the room. "I know your not sleep" Yoongi whispered once he sat on the couch next to Taehyung. "I want to be" Taehyung responded coldly before closing his eyes again. "Bear, come on" Yoongi whined. "He's hibernating" Taehyung groaned turning his head the other way. "What did I do, Taehyung?' Taehyung scoffed finally sitting up.

"Yoon, I've told you so many times that I love you and how many times have you never said it back. You told me you weren't ready to say it back, and I promised I'd wait for you. Yoongi, your messing with my feelings" That was the last thing he wanted Taehyung to think. "I'm not playing with your feelings, Tae. I promise you it's the last thing I want to do."

"Then answer me this Yoongi...Do you love me?" Just as Yoongi was about to say the words they seemed to be caught in his throat. "Yea, I do" Yoongi responded. "You what, Yoongi?" Taehyung wanted to hear Yoongi say the words. "I-" Yoongi stuttered. "Exactly Yoongi, you can't say it. Why?" Taehyung asked standing up from the couch. "I don't wanna get hurt again. The only other person I've ever loved was my grandmother." Yoongi cried. "Yoon, you don't have to be scared. I would never hurt you, ever. I love you so much, I just need to know if you do"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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