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Taehyung smiled while texting. "Someone has you smiling. Anyone special" Taehyung asked teasingly. "Yeah I think. Someone really special" Taehyung looked at Yoongi with wide eyes. "Jungkook you ok" Taehyung asked Jungkook who had finally calmed down. "I am now" Jungkook said with a smile looking past Taehyung. Taehyung looked over to see Jimin. "Well that was quick" Yoongi and Taehyung said at the same time.

Jimin walked over to Jungkook to give him a hug. "She'll be ok I know it" Jimin said before giving him a kiss. "Thank you so much for being here" Jungkook said while hugging Jimin. "I'm here for you Kook" Jimin said still hugging him. "TaeTae" Jimin said in a cheery voice then running to hug Tae. "What are you doing here. Wait are you guys-" Jimin asked looking back at Yoongi. "No!" They both said them hanging their heads down in embarrassment. "Yoongi was tutoring me when he got the call so I drove him here" Jimin then took out his phone to check the time. "So you've been here for 3 hours' Jimin exclaimed.

Taehyung sat back down next to Yoongi. "I'm sorry this happened. She's a strong woman though. Look at her even though she's in that bed she still has a sparkle in her eyes. I hope to meet her soon, Friend" Taehyung said to Yoongi. "Yeah she always told me to look on the brighter side of everything. I guess your here to do that, Friend" Yoongi chuckled at the end of his sentence. "She'll be ok" Taehyung said while rubbing Yoongi's back.

Yoongi felt safe around Taehyung. Same for Tae he felt normal around Yoongi, he didn't feel like a rich popular boy.

Yoongi father stared at both of his sons. Jungkook with his boyfriend and Yoongi with his friend. It just made him cry seeing them sit there without them. Made him relize how much he's missed. How much he messed up.

"Alright, let's wrap this up" Yoongi's father said after getting up from his seat. After seeing his son's truly happy mad him feel unquestionable feeings that he couldn't comprehend and that made him upset. "Why don't you talk to them, before they leave" Taehyung whispered in Yoongi's ear. Yoongi didn't quite understand what he said. All he felt was Tae's breath against his ear and it turned him on. After comprehending what Taehyung had said he refused. "Tae, I know their side of the story. After Jungkook was born he got my mom sick, so she dumped us on my grandma. She got better but our relationship hadn't. Now she's in there dying, they lady who raised us, is dying." Yoongi broke down in the comfort of Taehyung's arms. "It's ok, I'll take you back home." Taehyung said rubbing small circles on his back.

All of a sudden Yoongi started laughing. "I swear I'm not a cry baby." Yoongi wiped his tears while laughing which caused Taehyung to laugh. "Let's get out of here it's almost 9." Taehyung followed Yoongi out the building. He never thought he's never wanted to see a hospital ever again. "Hey if he starts drinking, let him be just stay with him" Jungkook said before waving Taehyung goodbye. Jungkook was right as soon as Yoongi got in he made himself a drink, then another and another. Soon 3 become 10 and he was drunk. "Maybe you should head to bed" Taehyung suggested when Yoongi came tripping over to him then placing a seat on his lap. "I don't wanna" Yoongi said in a baby-ish voice" Taehyung couldn't help but coo at Yoongi's action.

What yoongi did next Taehyung swore he got the air knocked out of his lungs. Yoongi kissed him, devoring his lips.

Taehyung P.O.V

AS we were talking Yoongi all of a sudden kissed me. I gave in as soon as my brain proccesed everything. After a while I licked my tounge over his teeth asking for enterence and he did immediately. I swear his lips were addicting. I would've kept going but the taste of whatever had drank hit my mouth, and reminded me he was drunk. "How about we get you in bed" I said smiling softly at him after parting our lips. He nodded and ran to his room.  I sat on the couch a little bit to collect my thoughts before going to his room to check on him.

When I walked in he was staring at a picture. I sat next to him and sat quietly looking at the picture. "No" He whined and pulled the picture away from me.  "Can I see" He showed me the picture. I was him, his parents and baby Jungkook. "We weren't ever happy" Yoongi cried. I felt bad for him. "It'll be fine. I'll make you happy." I gave him a small kiss on the forehead. "Let's sleep" He got under his covers while still holding the picture. "Stay with me"  Yoongi asked wiping his tears with his small fist. "I'll be in the living room'' I turned his light off before clsoing his door.

Todayq was a day. Who knew this tutoring session would turn into a trip to the hospital, then a very heated kiss, now me baby sitting my hyung who happens to be my crush. My life is great. After thinking for a while I decided to text Jungkook and Jimin about what happened.

Hey you guys still up?

Yeah, what's up

So, I was wondering what would you guys say
if I kissed Yoongi? Just a question

I would say FINALLY

I'd literally scream

Then start screaming cause we kissed
after we come from the hospital

Let me guess he got drunk

You make it sound like a bad thing

No I'm not just saying couldn't do
it when he was sober

Guys shut up! I'm in literall distress

If he remembers in the morning
tell him that you like him

Yeah DO IT! I wanna go on a double date

Goodnight! Yoongi just came in the livingroom with me

How do they not know they like eachother


While I was texting them Yoongi came into the livingroom and layed on the couch with me. He put butt against my dick which made a very unwanted groan come out my mouth. "You okay?" He asked in a soft voice. "Yep. Goodnight hyung" I got a hum in response as he drifted of to sleep, still holding that picture frame.

*Magical Time Skip*

When I woke up my head was heaving and everything was foggy. I rolled over and almost fell only to be grabbed my someone hand. "Be careful" A deep voice came from behind me and that's when I remembered everything. I cried in front of Taehyung, and kissed him?! "You ok" He asked me getting me out my trance. "Yeah I'm fine. Also about that kiss" Before I could finish my sentence he kissed me again. This time I can actually remember. His lips tasted like strawberries. "Mhm" I couldn't help but moan when he bit my lip.

"It's fine, I liked it" He said after we parted our lips to catch our breath. When he got up I swear my heart stopped. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just his sweatpants. Right then it clicked. I slept with Taehyung, I'm wearing his shirt, and we kissed TWICE! When I looked down on the ground next to me was the picture of me my parents and baby Jungkook.

I looked at Taehyung then back at the picture. "Taehyung?" I called out. He walked back in and sat on the couch and positioned himself so I'd be sitting in between his legs, on the floor. "What's up?" I gave him the photo before speaking. "What did I say about this photo?" I could already feel the tears building up in my eyes. "Come here" I got up on the couch and layed my head on his lap. "You said what you felt" He said while stroking my hair. "You said you we never happy even before Jungkook was born." My tears in his lap making his pants damp. *Knock Knock* "I'll get it" He got up after putting his sweatshirt on.

It's my dad. "Dad. What are you doing here" He pushed passed Taehyung and invited himself in. "Your moving" What he said made my heat stop.

Letters and Text (Taegi)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz