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When I woke up my head was heaving and everything was foggy. I rolled over and almost fell only to be grabbed my someone hand. "Be careful" A deep voice came from behind me and that's when I remembered everything. I cried in front of Taehyung, and kissed him?! "You ok" He asked me getting me out my trance. "Yeah I'm fine. Also about that kiss" Before I could finish my sentence he kissed me again. This time I can actually remember. His lips tasted like strawberries. "Mhm" I couldn't help but moan when he bit my lip.

"It's fine, I liked it" He said after we parted our lips to catch our breath. When he got up I swear my heart stopped. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just his sweatpants. Right then it clicked. I slept with Taehyung, I'm wearing his shirt, and we kissed TWICE! When I looked down on the ground next to me was the picture of me my parents and baby Jungkook.

I looked at Taehyung then back at the picture. "Taehyung?" I called out. He walked back in and sat on the couch and positioned himself so I'd be sitting in between his legs, on the floor. "What's up?" I gave him the photo before speaking. "What did I say about this photo?" I could already feel the tears building up in my eyes. "Come here" I got up on the couch and layed my head on his lap. "You said what you felt" He said while stroking my hair. "You said you we never happy even before Jungkook was born." My tears in his lap making his pants damp. *Knock Knock* "I'll get it" He got up after putting his sweatshirt on.

It's my dad. "Dad. What are you doing here" He pushed passed Taehyung and invited himself in. "Your moving" What he said made my heat stop.

"WHAT?!" I yelled. "We're moving, it's not final but I'm sure. I got a new job offer back in our home town." How can he just act like his mother isn't in the hospital. "I can't take this anymore! How can you just talk about work when your mother is in the hospital! She's dying! Damn it, dad do you even care!" I yelled. I had totally forgot Tae was here. "I know that! I'll be back later to talk about it" He walked out leaving me in the livingroom with Taehyung while having a stage 6 fucking panic attack. "Calm down, you're ok" Taehyung whispered in my ear to get to calm down.

"I guess I am a cry baby after all" I joked. "We're all human right?" He's right, everyone is human, even my parents. "Let's get going" He said confusing me. "To school" He said after noticing my confused face. "I don't wanna go' I whined
like a baby. "Hurry up Yoongi, we'll ride together" I finally got my lazy ass up and took a nice refreshin shower.

*Magical Time Skip*

After taking my shower we headed over to Tae's house for him to take a shower. Of course he lived in a penthouse, his parents are fucking billionares. "Feel free to wonder around, my parents aren't here. I'll be in the shower. You can go in any room." And that's what I did. This place was fucking huge. It was only one room I hadn't gone in, his room. I stood in front of his door wondering if I should go in or not. After fighting with my thoughts I just decided to go in.

For a rich person it was so basic. That's what I love about him, he doesn't flaunt his money. "Like it?" I heard his deep voice behind me. "Yeah I do" I picked up a book with the title Songs."You make songs?" As soon as I turned around I could feel my face heating up. He only had a white towel wrapped around his waist showing his perfectly sculpted chest and waist. "Staring" He caged me in his arms against his desk whispering in my ear. "It can be all yours" He said before walking away to put on a shirt.

"To answer your question, I do write songs. I just need a producer. Jimin is the only person that has ever heard me sing." He really enjoyed singing. The way the stars in his eyes light up when he talks about his singing. "Well, not many people know but I produce music" I don't know why I said that. Do I produce music, yes but I NEVER TELL ANYONE. "Can you produce mine someday. Jimin said I could have a real career. I'll pay any amount." Normally I'd get mad when people goes on and on about the same topic but with him, I didn't mind.

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