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Peter: hey guys guess who I got

Everyone: who

Ben: hello?

AvaTiger: well hello Ben AKA Scarlet Spider

Ben: I regret agreeing to this

Peter: classic Ben

Ben: shut up

Peter: ouch 😓

In real life, Ben rolls his eyes

Ben: Ima leave

Ben is offline

Peter: there goes any hope of getting scarlet out of his shell

Danny: what shell

Luke: Danny pm me I'm gonna explain to you bout metaphors

Danny and Luke are offline

Harry: hello Pete

Peter: ahhh!!

In real life Peter drops the phone

Peter: thank god I did not break it 😅😅 aunt may woulda killed me

Harry: yup

Peter: Harry when did yo— Danny.... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Harry: yep kinda a interesting team you got there Pete

Peter: yes ...

Peter paused for a bit, Harry got suspicious

Harry: have feelings for anybody

Peter: ok I do it-its Ava.... (FYI Ava is offline)

Harry: I have one too

Peter: who?

Harry: MJ...😳😳😳😳

Peter: awwwww

Harry: 😒😒😒😒😒😒

Harry is offline


Mary Jane starts a private chat and invites AvaTiger

AvaTiger: MJ? what's wrong

Mary Jane: I have a crush on someone

AvaTiger: me too

Mary Jane: I have a crush on Harry....

AvaTiger: I have a crush on Peter

Mary Jane: you know I know how to keep a secret

AvaTiger: no Peter knows

Mary Jane: true....

AvaTiger: he says your fearless

Mary Jane: not. A Single. Thing. Scares. Me.

AvaTiger: Hm... then what's that roach?

Mary Jane: AHHHHH!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱

AvaTiger: just kidding it's a barrette 🤣

Mary Jane kicks out AvaTiger


Peter: hey yo Sam

Sam: yeah

Peter: can i talk to you at my house

Sam: sure???

Peter steals his phone when sam's there and switches it with his own and gives it to Sam and then sam leaves

Peter: alright...

Sam changed his name to Annoying buckethead

Peter: PETER!!!

Annoying buckethead: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Peter: since you put it that way

Peter changed his name to Useless Bug

Annoying buckethead: .....

Useless bug: how do you like me now Pete? Hm? Huh?

Peter stays silent which worries sam a bit

Useless bug: ok maybe I've gone To far.... 😣 I'm sorry Peter

Annoying buckethead: apology accepted

Useless bug: I'll change your name

Useless bug changed his name into Spider-Man

Spider-Man: Here.

In reality sam gives Peter his phone back and the said person gives Sam his phone back

Annoying buckethead: I hate my name 😭😭

Spider-Man: You can just change it ya know?

Annoying buckethead: oh yeah right

Annoying buckethead changes his name to Nova

Nova: oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

Spider-Man: hey thanks for changing my name

Nova: no problem I did feel kinda bad 😞😞 I did call you useless after all what would've I done if you renamed me as useless buckethead?

Spider-Man: fry me

Nova: true 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Luke, Danny, and AvaTiger joined the chat

Luke: ok is it just me.....

AvaTiger: or is Sam and Peter getting along?

Danny: we're dead for sure.

Spider-Man: Uhh.....

Nova: I hate you

Spider-Man: I hate you too

Spider-Man and nova are offline


Luke: byeeeeeee!!

Luke is offline

AvaTiger: what do we do

Danny: maybe meditate.

AvaTiger is offline

Danny: no? Just me then?

Ultimate Spider-Man messaging (DISCONTINUED; BEING REWRITTEN) Where stories live. Discover now