Truth or dare part 3

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Ava: DANNY I loved my name!

Uncool: you know you can change it back right?

Ava: Oh right

Ava changed her name into Ava Ava AVALANCHE

Ava Ava AVALANCHE: AAA I love my name

Spidey, PowerLuke, and Sam is online

Spidey: Ok we are back

PowerLuke: dude who are you talking to?

Spidey: Nobody apparently 😓

Annoying: COME OUT OR ILL GO ALL SUNSHINE ON YOU (Reference to Field Trip)

Spidey: remember the field trip and he said that?

PowerLuke: your talking to yourself again!

Spidey: sry habit

Uncool: dude who are you talking to?

Spidey: Apparently nobody 😞

PowerLuke: so Uncool truth or dare?

Uncool: *Danny, and Truth

PowerLuke: Who do you hate?

Spidey: oooooh....

Ava Ava AVALANCHE: ouch...

Uncool: I don't hate anybody

Annoying: Liar!

Uncool: ok fine I may hate fury cause he's so stubborn...

Nick fury joined the chat

Nick fury: say what now

Uncool: I'm dead 😓

Spidey: mmm ok how about you all still play while I help Danny and hopefully not get destroyed alongside him?

PowerLuke: Mk.

Ava Ava AVALANCHE: see ya!

Spidey, Nick Fury, and Uncool are offline

Annoying: Imma spy on em

PowerLuke and Ava Ava AVALANCHE: SAM!!!

Annoying is offline

PowerLuke: I think this is the last round of truth or dare

Ava Ava AVALANCHE: Yeah 😭

PowerLuke: there's other times to play truth or dare.

Ava Ava AVALANCHE: yea I know this one has been so funny 🤣

PowerLuke: haha.. you got no dares or truths.

Spidey and Annoying are online

PowerLuke: how's Danny?

Spidey: dead.


Annoying: 🤦‍♂️ he's just kidding he's alive but he's getting destroyed by Fury

Spidey: wait how do you know?!

Ava Ava AVALANCHE: *cough* spy

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