Aftermath of ~**In Real Life**~

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Everyone is online

Parker: How was being leader of the Classic SHIELD team 12?

Spider 12: It was awful! They didn't listen to a word I said! It was like I wasn't even there!

Spider 12: This is how I'm feeling right now😭

Spider 12 posted a video:

Morales: Oof.

Parker: Sry 12 me and Nova got out of hand and basically forgot you were there.

Spider 12: You think 😑

Parker: 😅

Ayala: We really can be uncontrollable sometimes.

Parker: Sometimes🤨we are like the Avengers on a whole new level.

Rand: How are we the Avengers on a whole new level?

Parker: ...............

Parker posted a video:

Cage: Man that's broken.

Alexander: You join the Avengers and replace Captain America. I honestly agree with Hawkeye. Oh no.

Rand: Later he quit.

Parker: Yea cause SoMeBoDy named Captain America quit on their team and it led me to say something that was totally accurate. "Goodbye Tony, good luck leading the Earth's Mightiest Dysfunction."

Parker2: Lol so accurate.


Parker: I said the avengers are more broken than us. Is it too late to take it back and rejoin?🥲

Ayala: Hey 😠

Parker: 😂 it's true

Alexander: You would rather the avengers over us ouch

Parker: I'd pick the Earth's Mightiest Dysfunction over this mess any-day.

Ayala: Surprisingly accurate 😝Everyone start an emoji chain.

Cage: 🤪

Rand: 🤩

Alexander: 🫠

Parker: 😑

Alexander: 🥳

Spider 17: 🫥

Smith: 😰

Dagger: 😈

Cloak: 👿

Triton: 🌊

Spider 12: Guys...Where'd this come from?


Spider 17: Really 12... really?

Spider 12: I just thought it was nonsense

Ayala: How dare you... An emoji chain isn't nonsense! Stupid!

Spider 12: Does no one know I have feelings anymore?

Ayala: You don't. Why should u matter


Ayala: No not seeing the resemblance, cause your a more serious spider-man

Spider 12: Shut up 😡

Ayala: How dare you... I hate you

Spider 12: I have feelings, guys! They just got hurt!!

Spider 12 is offline

Parker: I feel like we went too far

Ayala: he deserved it for breaking the emoji chain

Cage: No, I don't think he didn't, just because he's a more serious spider-man doesn't mean we can lash out on him.

Ayala: Ur right I went too far. Is it too late to say sorry...?

Morales2: depends... if he forgives you

Spider 17: Ultimate I think we need to go to see if our friend is okay

Parker: Yeah your right 17..

Ayala: It's probably best if you guys go

Spider 17: Just doing that

Spider 17 is offline

Parker is offline

Cage: That was a roller coaster!

Ayala: I hope he forgives me

Alexander:Either that... or the Web Warriors lost a member cause of u, and it's all cause u didn't date me!

Ayala muted Alexander

Ayala: On second thought

Ayala blocked Alexander and kicked him out

Ayala: That's better. I'm upset cause I think 12 is mad at me forever...and we all ignored & hurt his feelings

Smith: I think we ALL owe him an apology now that I think about it...

Ayala: yeah let's just end it here I feel like it just took a very dark turn

Cage: yeah I want to cry cause of what happened today

Morales2: Right back atcha.

Everyone left the chat..


Will Spidey 12 forgive Ava? Or is she unforgiven forever? Has she lost a friend? Have they all lost a friend? Has S.H.I.E.L.D. lost a Spider-Man? Find out in the next part, 'reconciling with a friend?'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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