Cats and Cousins

18 1 0

Spider-Man is online

White tiger is online

Nova is online

Power Man is online

Iron Fist is online

Spider-man: Some new players are coming. Sam, Luke, want to do the honors?

Nova invited Moon

Power Man invited Sophia

Sophia: HAIIII!

Moon: Cousin what on earth did you do on these phones?!

White Tiger: You know.

Moon: Give the phones mercy.

Spider-man: how?

Moon: gettin' off of 'em.


Moon: Nova, please.

Sophia: WHO ARE YOU?!

Moon: I am Moon Parker.

Sophia: Hi, Moon. I'm Sophia Morales.

Moon: I know who you are. I can read your mind.

Sophia: Creepy.

Moon: No, I really can.

Sophia: then what am I thinking?

Moon: your thinking about Luke.

Power Man: 😳

Sophia: WHA- NO NO NO!! No! Liar!

Moon: "Oh my gosh, Luke is so cute and so funny, I wish I could tell him.." that's what she's thinking.

Sophia: No. Yes. No. Maybe. FINE YES!

Moon: YES!!!

White Tiger: Meh ship has sailed

Power Man: can we talk Sophia?

Sophia: Sure...

Sophia & Power Man are offline

Moon: Haha.

Spider-Man: what are they saying Moon?

Moon: I'll hack it and show you

Moon is offline

??? joined a private chat

Power man: so about earlier did you really think I was cute?!

Sophia: yes pls don't hate me

Power man: no no no, it's fine I love you too

Sophia: Really?!

Power man: Yes

???: I knew it.

??? is offline

Power Man: .....

Sophia: ....

Power man: that was Moon, wasn't it?

Sophia: Yup

??? Joined a chat

??? changed her name to Moon

Moon: I have a screenshot of the chat

Moon: I have a screenshot of the chat

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Spider-Man: AWWWW

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Spider-Man: AWWWW

Nova: Powercat.

Moon: Luphia Morage

White Tiger: Who?

Moon: Luphia is Luke and Sophia combined, same for Morage, it's the combination of their last names Morales & Cage

Sophia joined a chat

Power man joined a cat

Sophia: We're back!!

Nova changed Sophia to Ms. Cage

Ms. Cage: ....

Nova changed Power Man to Mr. Cage

Mr. Cage: WHY?!

Nova: your a couple awwww

Ms. Cage: no  we're just friends!

Spider-man: Luke Sophia apparently you haven't met my cousin Moon Parker

Ms. Cage: I'm gonna kill you Moon!

Moon: ah nope your not do I have to spill more Luke secrets?

Ms. Cage: NO!!!

Moon: ok then we're good

Nova: pls do tell us Luke Secrets!!

Moon: I'll tell you Sam

Spider-Man: Sam I have a warning for you. If you touch my cousin, I'll tell Miles to electrocute you

Nova: 😥

Nova is offline

Moon is offline

Spider-man: he better not

Ms. Cage: why're you so overprotective?!

Spider-man: bc she's my cousin cousins pro- IM NOT OVERPROTECTIVE!!!

Moon created a group

Moon named it Luke Secrets

Sam is online

Moon: hey Sam!!

Sam: hey, Moon! Tell me LUKE SECRETS!!

Moon: Ok, ok!

Moon: Sophia wants to make out with him

Sam: awwwwwww...

Moon: Oh! Uh.

Sam: what?

Moon: I just read Luke's mind and he wants to have...

Sam: what?!

Moon: S

Moon: E

Moon: X

Moon: you know what I mean

Sam: oh.


Moon: Um, Sam, there's no "awwwwww!" allowed. Fury won't allow sex in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Sam: Fun-spoiler, that Fury!!

Okay! So this is the end.

Not the end of the book. Just the chapter!

Anyways, the next chapter is going to be about Sam flirting with Moon and Peter torturing Sam-


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