Idk what to call this

15 1 0

Spider-Man created a group.

He named it Ultimate Spider-Man

Iron Fist is online

Power Man is online

Iron Fist: uh, Guys....


Iron Fist: Sam's leg is broken

Spider-Man: I FELL OFF MY BED.


Spider-Man: NO JOKE.

Nova is online

Nova: HaLp

Spider-Man: No thanks, not my cup of tea

Spider-Man is offline

Iron Fist: sheesh, he's so rude today. Nova... did you prank him?

Nova: HELP!!!

Power Man: eh no thanks not my cup of tea

Power Man is offline

Iron Fist:.....ok

Nova: HeLp

Iron Fist is offline

THE END.......


Spider-Man is online

White Tiger is online

Nova is online

Iron Fist is online

Power Man is online

Nova: thanks for the help!!!

spider-Man: hey I only helped you cause Aunt May told me to

Nova: 😝

Spider-Man: I'm a celebrated hero

Nova: I'm the better leader

Spider-Man: I know who my parents are

Nova: I don't shoot sticky webs

Spider-Man: I'm not annoying

White Tiger: uh, yeah, ya are.

Spider-Man: oh hush it you don't even start

Nova: I'm more powerful

Spider-Man: excuse me.....

White Tiger: where are you going?

Spider-Man: I'm going to ask Fury if he can build a battle arena

Spider-Man is offline

Nova: 😥😥😥😥😥

Spider-Man is online

Spider-Man: nova i invite you to a duel on February 20th

Nova: sure ... sounds great 😅😅

Nova is offline

Nova created a group


Nova joined a group

Nova: I'm fine

White Tiger:.....??? We never asked if you were ok in the first place......?????

Nova: quoting Katy Perry, "they ask how you are and you just have to say that your fine, when your not really fine, but you can't get into it cause they would never understand".

Iron Fist: (Iron Fist has stopped working right now, please try again later)

White Tiger: Hey, don't tell bad jokes, Danny. Leave that to the webhead.

Spider-Man: Hey!!

Power Man: I laughed so hard I fell off my bed

Nova changed White Tiger to Mrs. Spider-Man

Mrs. Spider-Man: I WILL KILL YOU!! 🔪 🗡 ☠️

Nova: 😥

Nova changed Spider-Man to Mr. White Tiger

Mr. White Tiger: NOVA!!

Nova: :)

Mrs Spider-man: 😡😡😡😡

Nova changed Mrs. Spider-man to White Tiger

Nova changed Mr. White Tiger to Spider-Man

Spider-Man & White Tiger are offline

Everyone else is offline

Ultimate Spider-Man messaging (DISCONTINUED; BEING REWRITTEN) Where stories live. Discover now