Idk What To Call This Either

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Sam: does Ben still have Peter's phone?

Peter: what do you think, Punk?

Ben: Ben! Give me my phone back your making it awkward!

Peter: Fine.

They switch phones again

Peter: that's better!

Ava: I loved My name!! I hate you!!

Peter: .....

Luke: All of us have calmed down, not Ava.


Ben changed Ava to Whiner

Whiner: ????

Ben changed Whiner to Ugly Ava

Peter: Ok I know Ben he's not THAT Rude.

Sam: ummm Pete? 

Peter: yea?

Sam:Tv face musta hacked him

Peter: aw nuts!

Ben: you caught me aw man hail Hydra!

Sam: *fail

Ben changed his name to HailHydra

HailHydra: Hail Hydra!

Sam: *fail


Sam: *fail

HailHydra: not in control of my phone.

HailHydra: LIAR! It's you doing that

Peter: Armin Zola, do I have to sink your ship again?

HailHydra: Leaving Scarlet Spider alone.

HailHydra:  finally I'm back in control of my phone.

Peter: Uhm Ben...?

HailHydra: Yes?

Peter: can you change your.... Ummm...

HailHydra: oh my username

HailHydra changed his name to scarlet

Scarlet: that's better.

Peter: nope one last thing

Scarlet: ???

Peter changed Scarlet  to Reilly

Reilly: your gonna regret having me come over to your house!

Peter: OH NO!

Sam: Peter, Run

Peter and Reilly is offline

Sam: ok... what do I do now.... Since I am alone.... I AM AN ADORABLE MONKEY

ugly Ava: Shut up!

Danny: 😇

Ugly Ava: oh no!

Sam: what?

Ugly Ava: Ben just threw ten cupcakes at Peter!


Ugly Ava: now the ice cream!

Sam: what flavor?

Ugly Ava: Chocolate,

Sam: no not the chocolate 😭😭😭😭 vanilla, yes, Strawberry, yes, BUT NOT THE CHOCOLATE ANYTHING BUT THE CHOCOLATE!!!

Ugly Ava: Um

Sam: what?

Ugly Ava: Where did Ben get that— Oh boy Ima calm down Ben!!!

Sam: before he destroys your boyfriend~

Ugly Ava: well- I-I- u-u-um Well- S-SHUT U-U-UP!

Ugly Ava is offline

Sam: So I guess it's just you and me Dan...

Danny: ommmmm ommmmmm ommmmmm ommmmm ommmmmm ommmmm

Sam: I need better friends

Sam is offline

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