Dawn x Ben?

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Thompson: Hey remember that time when I thought that the author was gonna make Ben and Dawn end up together?

Reilly and Smith: Oh, how I tried to forget

Parker: I remember it like it's yesterday!

Parker2: It was yesterday, cousin.

Smith: That's never gonna happen tho

Cage: I have a ship name already, wait for it............ Daen. And for the superheroes, Virlet...

Smith: I hate Daen and Virlet more than the ship it's based on

Reilly: Ikr?

Cage: and then there's Scariolet and Bawn.

Smith: Ugh get out of here terrible ship namer

Reilly: it's not even a ship. She's a fake character!

Smith: yeah he's actually real, I'm not

Parker: None of us are real actually cause we're in a TV show.

Alexander: Yeah disgustingly based on you.

Cage: the Spider-Man franchise is like the most underrated one besides Skylanders Academy and Nickelodeon

Parker: You know, how powerful IS Disney?

Ayala: well, they bought Marvel, and idk what else

Alexander: you know what's my favorite franchise in marvel?

Parker: What? The one you appear in?

Alexander: Guardians of the Galaxy

Ayala: why did I not see that coming?

Rand: you only like the Guardians of the Galaxy series which you appear in, huh?

Smith: He's just a minor character in the TV show but bad news there's more Bucket Heads.

Parker: ughhh

Smith: don't worry you only appear in the episodes Back in the New York Groove and Drive My Carnage in the 2017 cartoon Marvel's Spider-Man

Alexander: which of course has more web heads. Go figure. I should have a franchise of my own!

Ayala: what will would it be called? Nova, the Human Rocket?

Alexander: yes

Parker: honestly i think we should all have our own franchises as I already have my own

Ayala: yes I'd like mine to be called The Adventures of White Tiger

Cage: How about for mine The Amazing Power Man?

Reilly: I'll pass on having a franchise

Cho:  same

Rand: mine would be Ruling with an Iron Fist

Parker: 😅

Thompson: mine would be Agent Venom

Cage: Ofc it would

Parker2: Why are we talking about having our own franchises? I thought this was about discussing if Ben and Dawn should be a couple.

Smith: Moon you brung it back! Ima kill you!

Parker: You don't even have any powers

Smith: good point...

Parker2: I think the author will give Dawn some superpowers at the end of Give Us Back Our World.

Smith: then I'll kill you

Parker2: dang it

Parker: that'd be interesting actually I wonder if she's going to do that 🧐

Smith: one can hope ;)

Parker2: Considering the threats you're making in your mind.... I don't.

Cho: Hey I think I have an idea for a franchise I may have, it would be called Ruling With An Iron Spider

Rand: You stole my name, how dare you!!!!

Cho: Hey, it's Ruling With An Iron Spider, not Ruling With An Iron Fist. So, I didn't steal it.

Parker2: Mine would be called The Amazing Mindreader

Parker: Ofc it would😒 what 'bout you Vi?

Smith: Never call me Vi ever again! And it would be called The Sparks of the UltraViolet. Honestly I think that should be my new name. Ultraviolet.

Parker: No

Smith: Why not?

Parker: Cuz what would be the reason for your Violet nickname? I think we should stick with Violet Sparks.

Smith: Nahhh... bye

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