Chapter Four - Breaking Black

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"Morning Eliott"

Eliott mumbled out a response to his boss when he walked into the room, deciding to spend his first break having lunch at the cafe in order to simultaneously visit his friends.

Ms Morgan paused breifly, noting his unenthusiastic tone, before shaking it off and walking away.

Eliott ordered a burger and fries before relaxing in his seat. His exhaustion quickly caught up to him however, as he drifted away and fell asleep in his seat.

He jumped awake minutes later when he heard a panicked shout. He shot out of his chair and got into fighting stance, ready for an attack.

He awkwardly dropped it however, once he saw the confused and concerned looks on the customers faces. He saw Chase running into the kitchen and the scent of smoke filled his nostrils. Sighing, he sat down in embarassment and waited sleepily for his order, which he was sure would be delayed now.

Minutes later, after the fire was put out and the customers had mostly left, their boss came storming in looking like a disappointed mother.

The rangers instictively gathered in the centre of the cafe, expecting an oncoming lecture.

Chase leaned back in his seat nonchalantly, despite setting a fire minutes prior. "Come on, one little fire!"

"That could have burned down the entire museum." Ms Morgan scolded.

"And exposed our base." Shelby added.

Chase stood unwavered, "okay, I get it, I promise to pay more attention to- Moana!" he beelined past them and greeted a dark haired lady dressed in a black dress, printed cardigan and a feathered hat.

"How are you? It's been a long time." Chase laughed and smiled at the woman, Eliott could tell that he had a strong relationship with the woman, his unfaltering smile gives that away.

It was then that Chase also noticed a beautiful young woman accompanying Moana. Her hair was dark and wavy, falling past her shoulders on either side and she wore a simple white t shirt with pastel pink patterned pants with a bow around the waist.

"Oh my god, Heather! It's awesome to finally meet you!" Chase's eyes lit up and he hugged both women.

"The pleasure is mine Chase, really. My mom won't stop telling me about you, it's all 'did you know Chase can skate, he's such a talented young man! I bet he has all the ladies in town chasing him!'" Heather and Chase laughed at her awful impression of Moana.

"Quit it, you" Moana teased.

Eliott felt slightly sick, Chase looked so happy talking to them. He looked and saw the bewildered looks on his friend's faces. He buried his intrusive thoughts and chastised himself under his breath.

"Chase, we need your help." Moana spoke, suddenly sounding serious. She pulled him aside and the three conversing quietly. The rangers however could still hear them.

"I've had a vision, and- and someone is going to steal from me. Something of great value." she informed.

"Moana's a matakite. A maori fortune teller from New Zealand." Chase explained to the rest of the group.

• HEATHER • Chase RandallWhere stories live. Discover now