Chapter Seven - Let Sleeping Zords Lie

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"Sure is hot today." Riley sighed as he placed an empty bucket down.

Chase noticed Shelby hunched over a notebook beneath the makeshift sun shelter, "Eh? What's she up to?" He muttered. Shelby mumbled lowly to herself before throwing her pencil down.

"How 'bout lending a hand?" Chase pointedly suggested across the dig site in which they were hoping to find new energems. Eliott, Tyler, Koda and Riley turned with curiosity.

'Follow me for a sec." Chase squinted through the sunlight and fiddled with his tools. Eliott snuck a glance but averted his eyes when he smiled (still squinting) and waved back.

Shelby continued, "Keeper gave 13 different energems to 13 different dinosaurs.

"Of course!" Koda exclaimed, "Wait- I- uh, what?"

"We've found 6 energems but 7 are still lost, those energems will only be found near the fossils of the Pterodactyl(us), Ankylosaurus, Pachycehalosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Titanosaurus, Cryolophosaurus and Iguanodon. We shouldn't dig here just because we found bones here before." She finished.

After a pause, "Ok then, where should we dig?" Asked Tyler.

"I...don't know exactly but-" the boys chuckled.

"Well, we could go to where we know they've been known to be found, like England or Belgium for Iguanodon, but that'll cost money and time we don't have. Not while defending Amber Beach." Eliott stated, drawing surprised and questioning looks.

"Didn't take you for a palaeontologist, thought you were more into computers and stuff?" Chase questioned.

"Well I- uh, may have...done some research-" Eliott stammered, brain gone slightly awry.

"Look, I have an idea." Shelby desperately interrupted, pulling the group's focus back to her. She sat at her previous station with the other rangers gathering around, "Check this out. If we combine the known areas where each dinosaur lived with the energy signatures from each dinosaur's energem, then we can pinpoint more accurately where to look." She explained passionately.

"Ehh, energy...signature? What is Shelby say?" Koda innocently asked.

"She just doesn't like getting dirty." Chase accused snarkily.

"No, what I'm saying is, we need to work smarter, not harder."

"Yeah actually she might be right about that energy signature-" Riley agreed, "-but how would you track it?"

Tyler went to take a sip of his drink, quickly annoyed by the discovery that it was in fact, empty. "Hey!"

"You finished all our drinks" Chase questioned with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"What? It's really hot out here!" Shelby justified, trying to defend herself.

"Yeah, we noticed." Came Tyler's sarcastic reply.

"Shelby drink, like camel." Koda commented.

Said pink ranger sighed in annoyance, "Shouldn't we at least test my theory?" the silence that soon followed spoke for itself. "Fine then. I don't need anything from you guys anyway."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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