Chapter 23--The confession

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Y/n:Ehh~~Who are you?

Sakura:Ummmmmmmm!!Sakura Miyawaki!!This is my name!!

Y/n:You know what!!You look like Taehyun's sister,for legit!!

Niki:But,she is not!!She is Japanese like me!!

Taehyun:Oh!!Hi Sakura-san!!

Sakura:You are Kang Taehyun,right!!Good morning sir!!I am new here!!

Taehyun:Ohh!!I see!!

Sakura:Yaah!!Haruto,Yuta,Kazuha,come here!!Look,our boss came to see us!!!

Taehyun:Oh,you have friends!!

Sakura:Please meet them.

Kazuha:Hello,my name is Nakamura Kazuha!!

Yuta:I am Yuta Nakamoto!!Nice to meet you!!

Haruto:Hi,I am Watanabe Haruto!!

Y/n:And,I am Y/n!!You guys seems so nice!!

Taehyun:Hi!!I am Taehyun!!Nice to meet you all.

Yuta:Welcome to Japan sir!!

Haruto:How are you feeling here??

Taehyun:As long as Y/n is with me,I am good!!

Kazuha:Ahh!Wow!!Are you guys.....uh,let go!Nothing!!

Taehyun:Okay,listen everyone!!Get back to work.After the lunch time,we will have a meeting and take your opinion.

Niki:Sure,they will.First,let me take you to the cafeteria.

Taehyun:Sure,I am hungry!!

Then Niki took us to the cafeteria and we tried the Japanese foods.The riceballs were amazing!Taehyun and I had a competition of eating riceballs.Ultimately I won cuz I am a foodie!!
Then,we worked after having our breakfast!!After working,we all had our lunch.And after having lunch,Taehyun called everyone for a meeting!!

He is such a caring and wiseful CEO!!He cares for the opinion of the workers.He asked for everyone's opinion about how the can conduct their work more smoothly!!Everyone gave their opinion.

At night

Niki:Yahh!!Guys!!Y/n and Taehyun senpai!!Do you know,there is a resturant nearby??The food is too nice!!Trust me!!


Niki:Yes,the resturant is ran by a newly-wed couple who just shifted in Japan few months ago!!

Taehyun:Ohh!!They are so young but successful then!

Y/n:Just like you!!

Niki:She is right!!

Y/n:Taehyun-ahh!!Can we go there??????????Please!!Please!!

Taehyun:Okay,as you want!!

Y/n:Thank you so much Taehyun!! love you!!

Taehyun:Love you too!

Niki:Uhh!!What!!Are you dating him,Y/n?

Y/n:No~~We arent!!

Niki:Oh,then you both said that in a friendly way then!!

Taehyun:Let's go then!!

In the resturant

Y/n:Waah!This place is so gorgeous!!

Taehyun:There seems no place here to sit!There are so many people!

Niki:Dont worry.There is always table for me!!Yoshida-san keeps a table for me!


Niki:The owner of the resturant.He is a good friend of me!!And his wife is that girl there standing beside that table

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