Chapter 14

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"AITA for telling my sister in law no one cares she's pregnant?"

When I first read the tittle I thought this was horrible but then things took a different rout.


" my cousin (33f) who I'll call mary lost her husband (32m) and two of her three children (3f) and (9months male) in a car accident last week. Her and her daughter (5) are as you would expect it's just heartbreaking

Well today was the funeral my brother's wife (26) announced her pregnancy the second the arrived at our house this morning we were like "ok congratulations but please keep it on the down low for today"

Well when we arrived at the church she kept making gagging sounds and robbing her stomach saying "I as a mom can't imagine what she is going through" they have no kids so people would look at her and she'd tell them she was pregnant

Afterwards at my aunts house my sister is law kept making everything about her like someone's in the bathroom, sister in law would loudly say "pregnant lady needs to pee" She literally told my cousins sister give her, her seat so "the lady with a baby could rest her feet

I ignored her till she came to Mary stuck out her flat belly and said "me and Issac just found out I was pregnant and honestly we are beside ourselves it could happen to us" Mary broke down

I snapped like who says that to a woman who just literally lost two babies?? I said loudly to my SIL "no gives a fuck you're pregnant look around it's not just one but two babies funerals not to mention the love of Mary's life like I knew you were an attention seeker but for fuck sake you took the test four days ago just leave"

she left did in tears and my bother called me a fat bitter bitch

I've gotten phone calls form my bother and SIL family calling me the world of name because I made a pregnant woman cry

If I'm being honest even tho Mary and my aunt thanked me because it was all making her upset I feel worse about making a scene

Please put me in my place if I'm wrong

So little update I found out this morning brother and SIL harassed my cousin with phone calls for her to talk to me about yesterday. My aunt gave both of them an ear full than made my cousin turn off her phone my brother and SIL were at my parents house trying to get their side in (parents are on my side) when I arrived. They both came at me screaming and yelling about SIL feelings and she could miscarry from the stress I caused her again i told them a Funeral especially one for two children isn't the time to announce a pregnancy and get the fuck out of my face. SIL said if I didn't lose my attitude and apologise I'd never be in their child's Life. i told her I didn't care and if she was gonna use the kid as weapon i didn't want to be in it's life things got heated and my father ended up kicking out my brother and SIL so yeah all this drama at a time we should be there for one another"
NTA you did what's right, I would've done the same thing if I were you. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments.

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