My First Time (Sammy's POV) ♥️🧡

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Here I was, laying out another offering for my lord.  I expected it to go like it had any other time I had given my lord an offering. With no reply. But this time.. this time he came! He appeared out of the pentagram I had made out of my own blood for him, eyeing me down. I instinctively dropped to my knees. "M-my Lord! I have brang you another offering, I do hope it is to your liking!" He looked down at the follower I had placed on the offering tray, and back at me.
"You did well, Sammy. Good job." He rewarded. I could feel my face get hot, for he had never really complimented me before. It was always 'get out of the way Sammy' or 'stop following me sammy' but never a compliment. It sent shivers up my spine, every single word he spoke did. No matter what it was. He could tell me he hated me and would never grant my salvation, and I would still get that shiver. "Now get up, there's a reason I'm actually here today." He grabbed my arm, and an immediate swell of pleasure and other sensations swirled inside of me.
"Ngh-" he paused for a moment and let go. He looked puzzled, maybe even a little curious. He gently stroked my arm and that same sensation happened. "Mm-" I was trying to muffle myself the best I could, but it just spilled out when he touched me. I wanted him to touch me more. I got flashes of him in such lewd and explicit situations, I'm about 99% sure if I still had a face and not this inky abyss, it would have been red by now. He chuckled in a low, almost hungry tone. He picked me up by the waist, and before I could react he had me in his bedroom, a closed off space where not even I had been. Until now, of course. "W-what are you going to do my l-lord-?" I gulped, imagining the things he could do to me.
"Give me just a minute, my prophet, and I'll show you." Bendy said, going through a pentagram he'd apparently made to another room. I sat on the floor, not wanting to dirty my lord's bed, and waited. He came back about five minutes later and crouched to be on my level. "Sammy, I need to know if your okay with me exploring your body. I don't want to do anything you aren't comfortable with. I'd just like to relieve that hunger you have for touch" Bendy explained, looking into where would have been my eyes.
"M-my lord- w-what did I do to deserve such a reward?" I muttered, hoping he didn't see the growing boner I had worked up.
"You, Sammy, are my most loyal follower. I think that deserves some type of reward, don't you?" He said,very patiently awaiting my answer.
"w-well thank you my lord- I-I'm forever blessed-" I said, submitting to bendy. He smiled with his big toothy grin and began to gently paw at my boner through my pants. "A-HaH-" I let out at the sudden friction. 
"that's it Sammy, let those out. I want to hear every last one." He almost ordered, reaching to unbutton my overalls. I nodded in acknowledgement and whimpered. He slipped my overalls off and marvelled for a moment at my size. He then picked me up and moved me to the bed, which earned a small moan. He started kissing my neck all the way down to my shaft. "Ngghhh-" I moaned out, arching my back slightly. He then licked all the way from my shaft to my neck, which made me shake with pleasure. He went back down and wrapped his tounge around my dick skillfully, which made me moan even louder. "AHH-HAH-" I moaned, gasping for air in-between all of this overwhelming pleasure. Bendy started moving his tounge, which immediately amped up my pleasure. I grabbed onto his sheets, just for something to grab, and he stopped. Assuming he wasn't going to bring me to completion, I sat up. "T-thank you my lo-" I was cut off by him ripping off my mask and kissing me, pushing his tounge into my teeth to explore my mouth. I allowed him entry, and he explored every last bit while he slipped a finger inside me. I moaned out in suprise, which was muffled by the kiss. After a little while, he slipped in a couple more and hit a spot that made me moan high-pitched and made my dick twitch. Once he'd found that spot, he pulled his tongue out of my throat and positioned himself below me, putting my legs on either side of his torso. He put his hands on my hips, and thrusted in. "AAHaAH~" I screamed, feeling a mix of pleasure and pain, as I hadn't been penetrated before. Bendy gave me a moment to adjust before moving. Every time he moved I moaned, just a little bit. God damn was he good at this. He started thrusting after a few minutes and jacking me off at once, and oh my Bendy did I get a sensation of overwhelming emotions. "N-NOT BOTH AT oncEEE-" I whined out, but bendy didn't seem to notice. I was close. So, so close. A few more thrusts and I was done for sure. "M-my Lord I'm S-so- close~" I whimpered, looking pleadingly at bendy.

"not yet, Sammy. Keep it contained, your doing so well, my prophet~" bendy ordered, and so I listened. I tried the best I could, but pre-cum was spilling everywhere. Bendy took notice to this and stopped moving completely, which I quietly huffed in response to but chose not to say anything about. Just as a knot went away, bendy pulled out, sitting on the edge of his bed and calling me over. I hurried to his call, and assuming I'd be giving him a blowjob, got to my knees. "No, Sammy, I want you to try riding my dick instead of me ramming you. Less work that way and I get to see every pretty face you make~" Bendy smiled as I got up and nervously sat on his dick, facing him. I gasped as I got it all the way in and got into position. Bendy took my arms and put them over his shoulders, waiting for me to adjust and start moving. It took me faster this time, and I had started bouncing on his dick when I felt ready. As soon as I started, bendy threw his head back in pure pleasure and let out a deep moan. It made me somehow more turned on, and I started getting faster as I gained confidence. I noticed his tail swaying and gently took hold of it, making bendy moan again. "Sammy.. your playing dangerous- nhmmm- gamesSs-" Bendy warned, trying his best to contain his moans.
"b-but my lord, I-I want to please you as you've done m-me~" I cooed, bouncing harder and slightly tugging on his tail.
"sammyYYy~ this is your last warning- Mph-" Bendy growled with a sense of intense lust in his tone. I chose to ignore it and continue, but it didn't take long for bendy to pick me off, slam me against the wall pinning my arms and putting my legs over his shoulders, and begin to slam into me without mercy.
"A-AHH~ MY LORDD~" I screamed out, feeling that knot grow again.
"don't you DARE cum now Samuel Lawrence." Bendy ordered, grabbing hold of my dick gently.
"AHMMPH- S-SIRR~" I shreiked out again, being fucked senseless and refused the access to releif. Not until I could feel Bendy's thrusts get sloppy, and him groan in a low tone.
"Sammy, you can cum now." He granted me access by taking his hand off, and stimulating me past my normal comfort by cumming inside of me, causing me to cum as well. It felt so good after not being allowed to for so long, so so long.

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