Alice. (Sammy's POV) 🖤💔

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Once I'd woken up, my lord picked me up and took me back to my room, where I had found things out of place, or missing. I decided not to bring it up with bendy, and thanked him again for rewarding me so nicely the day before. He nodded and went on his way. I looked around before I found it. A note on my desk, from her. My stomach dropped immediately as I combed through the note word for word. As soon as I read that she had my journal, I rushed to cloud 9. You'd think for being advertised as an angel she'd be a little sweeter, but no. She is a horrible and disgusting monster. I pushed the elevator button anxiously and tapped my foot until I got to her level. I haven't been up here since we broke apart after that big fight, I'd forgotten how scarily big it was up here. God I HATED going up here, but I wasn't about to let her keep the one thing I hold sacred to me, not again. I sped into her room, on a mission. "Alice, I'm here." I called, still very nervous. I didn't want what happened last time I saw her to happen again. Not under any circumstances. Ever.
"ah Sammy! I see you've seen my invitation~?" Alice teased, walking closer to me.
"what do you need? I don't want to spend a lot of time here." Not with you here, at least. I thought.
"Awwe Sammy, not so happy to see me?~" Alice pouted, putting a hand on my face behind my mask. I jolted back, walking backwards 4 steps.
"No. Just tell me what you want so I can do it and get my journal back." I stated, a little too scared to look her in the eyes. She huffed dramatically and crossed her arms.
"Fine, buzzkill. I want you to fetch me a screwdriver from downstairs. I'd get one, but I'm afraid I don't associate myself with lower levels for my own dirty work, just for teasing you occasionally." I nodded and walked out to the elevator again, going back down. On my way down, though, I got sudden flashbacks of what she'd done to me. The pain. The blood curtling screams. The hurt of no one believing me. The ache of remembering made me long to forget again. I hadn't even noticed I was crying, or that I was on the lower level again. If you were to just disappear, so would all of your pain, you know.. I immediately shook the thought from my head, not believing that I wanted that. But then.. I thought about it a bit more.. and it sort of made sense..the rope in my room and the convenient hook on my ceiling would do the trick, I bet. I grabbed the screwdriver and pressed Alice's floor again. I formulated a plan in my head on my way up. I walked into Alice's room and shoved the screwdriver into her hands. "My journal. Now." I demanded.
"oh wow, okay Mr. 'I'm the boss', here" she handed me my journal and I started out the door, almost.. excited.? To try my idea. "NOT EVEN A THANK YOU?" Alice yelled from across the room. I shut the door on my way out and went back to my room. I wrote my suicide note, sliced a piece of my calf off as a final offering to bendy, setting up an altar in my room foolishly and putting my calf piece on it. Then I stepped on the chair, put my head through the noose I fashioned, and hung. At first, it was all pins and needles. Then, it was black. I guess bendy found me though. Because I'm still here. When I woke up, there he was. Panicking, begging for me to wake up. Somone else was there too, it wasn't just bendy. I know it wasn't Alice, but my eyesight was so foggy I couldn't tell if it were Boris or projectionist if I'm honest.

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