truth be told (Sammy and Bendy's POVS) 🖤

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I woke up to bendy quietly ranting about his affection for me, which was a nice change of pace from my previous relationship. I looked up at him and scooted forwards a bit to give him a kiss.
"Good morning honey" I sleepily muttered, resting my head back on his chest.
"Good morning love, how did you sleep?" Bendy asked, rubbing my back to wake me up a bit.
"Really well, you make for a nice pillow." I replied, shifting around to get more comfortable.
"well I'm glad, cus as long as you love me, we're gonna cuddle ALL the time." Bendy smiled softly, holding my waist.
"I like cuddling"I replied, squeezing my legs around his and shimmying my hands under him to squeeze his waist. I made the right decision coming back, I really did miss him. Of course I was never alone, Boris would check on me every now and then. That was nice too, and the entire time Alice didn't talk to me once. Wait- shit. Alice is going to know about this. Fuck.  I don't want her to know. She'll find some way to make him hate me. Then I'll be alone again. I can't be alone again. I HATE it when I'm alone.
"Honey? Is there something on your mind you want to talk about?" Bendy asked, putting his hand on my cheek. I looked up at him and took a deep breath. It was time he knew. He deserved to know.
"Kind of.. can I trust you with a secret?"
"Of course, you can trust me with anything dear." Bendy waited patiently, being gentle and kind as he often was nowadays. I took one last deep breath. It was time.
"Well- a year ago, I was in a relationship with Angel, and she wasn't really the best girlfriend. She was often unpredictable, and I was constantly walking on eggshells. She snapped a few times, I remember her slapping me across the face or screaming at me, but one time it was worse. She screamed at me for no reason, clawing at me and punching me as hard as she could. I was done, I wasn't going to be abused anymore, so I broke it off. She's been bitter ever since, she's gone to stealing things from my room to get me to talk to her to sending me death threats. It's gotten to the point where I've reached my limit, so I tried to kill myself to get away from her." I looked up at bendy, who was in complete shock. I saw a wave of anger wash across his face, as well as compassion. He didn't say a word, just picked me up and set me down, leaving the room. I panicked for a moment, thinking he was going to leave me in here, but then he came back in for a moment and kissed my head, smiling.
"You won't have to worry about her. I promise." He left after that, already growling before he walked out the door.

                    ~BENDY'S POV~

I stormed the halls, growing angrier and angrier as I got closer to cloud 9. How could she possibly think she'd get away with that forever? I refuse to let her continue to live after treating my Sammy like that. It just won't happen. I won't allow it. The elevator dinged, I was here. I hurried to the room she's known to stay in, which I never bothered to learn the name of. I've never liked Alice, but now I hate her more. I'm going to tear her apart. And she can't do anything about it.

•°~Hey loves! Sorry for the cliffhanger, I'm keeping the gorey details for next chapter, which WILL be soon, so stay tuned! ~°•

Your (hopefully) favorite writer, MaxTheDax <3

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