Hopes and Dreams for the Future: 2.1

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Chapter 2: Truth

A deafening silence suffocates the atmosphere. Asgore snaps backward, eyes wide as saucers. He holds his hand over his mouth and sputters, "W-wait...but...h-how?! Is it really true?!" Asgore asks as his voice raises and the shock within his body strengthens. However, his mind is still under control, thanks to his excitement.

Frisk breathes deeply. "So...about Flowey..."

"Yes?!" Asgore inquires excitedly.

"Flowey is Asriel's alternate body," Frisk confirms. "After he and I battled, he apologized for his actions and understood how you all should be free," Frisk says. "So, he used the six human souls and the monster souls to break the barrier."

Asgore's face beams, the sun shining into it, giving his snout a bright golden hue. With joyful tears flowing, he happily proclaims, "My son...he's truly alive! I had a funny feeling, but now I know to the fullest! This is the most elated I've been in my entire life! And now, I know that he's the one the prophecy spoke of. My very own son is the greatest hero the Underground's ever had." Asgore brings Frisk in for a big, tight hug. "Thank you so much for telling me, Frisk. I feel alive again."

Undyne furrows her brow and marches forward, glaring at Asgore. "Hold it, your highness," she says. "Flowey's the creepy plant that enslaved us in vines. And you just said he was the guy who attacked us and stole our souls right before the blackout! How could that be your son?"

Frisk nods and looks up at Undyne, staring confidently. "Is it cool if I explain?"

"Yeah, you need to," Undyne snaps back.

Frisk nods. "When the blackout happened, Asriel said to me, 'Finally...I got so tired of being a flower.' He also admitted throughout my hang-out time with him in the Ruins that he did a lot of weird things as a flower, but at least knew that even when he returned to his Flowey body, he was forgiven." Frisk lifts his gaze up to the ceiling. "I know he didn't want to return to his Flowey form, but he knew what was coming. The good thing is that he no longer wanted to take my soul to have his real body back, or to destroy everything out of boredom anymore. I knew he had changed for the better, and while he's still soulless, I don't think he would be the kind of kid to go back on his new promises."

Undyne takes a step forward and folds her arms. "And, what's that new promise he made?"

"Don't kill...and don't be killed," Frisk lightly replies. "We made that promise together."

Undyne nods slowly

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Undyne nods slowly. "Well, if he ever does come to the surface, you best bet I'll keep a close eye on him to start out." After gritting her teeth, she lowers her head. "I really hope he doesn't go back on those promises. If he did, that would suck. And I'd beat him up from top petal down to the roots."

"He won't. Trust me," Frisk retorts.

Asgore suddenly grabs Frisk and brings him in for a second giant bear hug. The ambassador's bones crack and pop, but he doesn't mind too much. Asgore smiles and holds Frisk tightly. "Thank you so very much for telling me this. Now, I can confidently go back to visit my son, Asriel. My resurrected child."

The hug finishes, and Frisk smiles while gently rubbing his elbow. "I'm glad I could help you, Dad. But, when do you think you'll visit?" He then looks towards his desk, noticing a small piece of butterscotch cinnamon pie on top of a stack of books that have been sitting there for a couple of days. "What about Mom? I know she would be relieved to hear that Asriel's actually alive, but seeing him as Flowey...aren't you worried she'd faint? I'm not sure if she's ready."

Asgore shuffles his feet, then scratches the back of his neck. "I know I want to visit him alone during my first open weekend, which will probably be next weekend or the following. But, concerning your mother, you may have a point. I don't want her to know that I was at least half-aware that Flowey was Asriel or anything, either...."

Frisk nods, but his gaze is off. "If she does visit, I hope she lets me know. If not, I know I'd get worried about her and feel left in the dark. She may mean it to not worry me or protect me, but still..."

Asgore smiles, his soul calming. "In any event, she should know about our son's past at least, and even if she refuses to visit Flowey, or Asriel, or whoever we call him due to the circumstances, she should know."

Frisk smiles and gives the goat dad a thumbs up. "That's great. And, as soon as my ambassador duties get a little less intense, I'll come up with a plan to get Asriel his real body back. I promise."

Asgore smiles and gets up from his chair. "I'm so thankful, Frisk. It seems as if the Dreemurr family does have hopes and dreams for the future!"

Frisk smiles. "Yeah, Dad. We do." He lowers his head. "But we still need to figure out this treaty between monsters and humans. And, it may be a little bit before that plan happens since we're gonna have our work cut out for us."

"Oh, right. Yes, we should do that," Asgore agrees.

Frisk strokes his chin for a moment and stares at the slice of pie again. A lightbulb goes off in his head. "I know! Mom took care of lots of kids before I showed up. She's a teacher in the school district, and parents' opinions of her have been really good. Maybe she can help us sign the peace treaty or even come up with one since she's so popular and gets along really well with monsters and humans."

Asgore leans back in his chair, stroking his beard. "Well, that is a good idea." He folds his arms and shakes his head. "She sees me as a menace. But, since I'm the King of the Underground, the responsibility still falls on my shoulders. I will have to talk with her."

Frisk smiles. "Awesome. We'll begin forming a peace treaty as soon as we can talk and figure things out." He gulps. "Just...try to be chill about it, ok? You know better than anyone how scary Mom can be." 

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