First Day: 1.1

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Chapter 1: Regret

Timeline date: BB12

Month: July

The worst possible noise ever devised rang in Frisk's ears: the alarm clock blare. Reaching over the head of his bed, he hits his hand on the clock, but it doesn't stop. He grunts and slams his hand again on the top of the clock. Still nothing. Frisk kept rolling 1s on dexterity checks.

The ambassador climbs out of bed and slams both of his hands onto the top of the clock. It finally stops ringing as it falls to the floor. "The pain and suffering is over," Frisk groans. After a moment to stop and think, he chuckles. "No, I should be excited! Today's a new day to live! And a new day to help monsters and humans bond. I must stay DETERMINED."

Stirring erupts from behind, and Frisk turns around and smiles. Asriel's face twitches, and he snorts, rubbing his messy fur. "Good morning and howdy, Frisk."

"Morning, Azzy. I hope you got good sleep," Frisk says.

"Yeah, I did!" Asriel says. "That's the best that I've slept since, well...since I lost my real body. But now I have it back, which is pretty neat." He beams and gets up, touching the top of his head. "I hope my horns grow in soon, too. I wanna be big and strong, just like Dad."

Asriel peers over to Frisk's nightstand and sees the clock lying on the floor. He chuckles. "You got into a fistfight with the alarm clock, huh?"

 "You got into a fistfight with the alarm clock, huh?"

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Frisk shrugs and chuckles. "I may be a pacifist, but even I have my limits."

Frisk may be a dork, but he does have admirable patience. Others would've torn that clock to pieces eons ago.

Asriel laughs. "I don't blame you for being annoyed!" He looks down at his covers. "But, you gotta keep moving on, right?"

"Yeah. And, every day is a new day to live!" Frisk adds.


Asriel's voice trails off, and he blinks. The goat child sees a beaming rosy-cheeked face, coupled with a large green and light yellow shirt, in front of him. Gasping gleefully and rubbing his eyes, the ambassador in blue reappears. Frisk walks over to him and pats his back. "You alright? It's like you saw a ghost."

Asriel lowers his head and clenches his knees. "It's nothing..." he lies, lips twitching.

Frisk puts on a smile for the goat child, trying to cheer him up. "It's awesome how you kept your promise of not killing and not being killed. And even in your Flowey body, you kept that promise. I'm really glad that you've been getting better and better."

Asriel shakes his head. "I know I don't deserve to be here right now. But, I am..." He then looks up at Frisk and digs his fingernails into his fur, creating indentations. "You forgave me even though I hurt you...and I hurt Mom and Dad and Papyrus and Alphys and all of them too...why would you ever forgive me?"

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