Time 1.2

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"Oh! You've fallen down, haven't you?!" A friendly voice erupts.

The child turns up her head and grimaces. It was a kid...like herself, but not. He was covered in weird goat fur, with shimmering turquoise eyes and a wide grin. The human was guessing that the goat kid was just barely school-age, but the goat's short height and pudgy little pot belly made him look a few years younger than he truly was. Either way, the human child was about to gain a new big brother they needed.

"Are you okay? Here, get up," the goat child says while offering a paw

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"Are you okay? Here, get up," the goat child says while offering a paw.

The human child slowly gets up and limps on one leg. "Ugh, I..."

"My mom is an expert in healing magic; I can take you to her!" said the goat child.

"Wait," the human says. But her tongue freezes, opting to listen more.

The goat kid shakes his head and wraps an arm around his shoulder. "Pleased to meetcha! What's your name?"

"Chara..." stated the human.

"Chara, huh? That's a nice name. My name is Asriel, Asriel Dreemurr!"

The human glances to the side, biting her tongue. Asriel tilts his head and nods, continuing to help the child inch closer to home. "We're a ways away, but we'll get there before you know it! And if you ever have another broken ankle, leave it to my mom to help ya! She's the queen of the Underground, you know." With a smirk, Asriel turns his snootle up to the sky of the Underground. "Which means I'm a prince! Cool, huh?"

The human snickers. "You're so animated and cheesy that you're the kind of prince that would get turned into a frog. Sounds like a cliche to me."

Asriel furrows his brow and snorts his snoot. "Hey, I take offense to that!"

The human backs away, folding her arms while her long bangs cover her eyes further. "Was just a joke; get over it."

As the human more tightly folds her arms, the inquisitive goat glances down at her wrists. Some of the marks are a bright black and blue, while others are a faded brownish-green. Gasping, Asriel walks closer to the child and gently holds her hands. "Hey, are you ok? You have bruises on you; was that from the fall? Or have you had some of these for a while? Mom can try to heal internal wounds, even though she's not as good at it."

The fallen human covers her arms and continues limping into the ruins. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Asriel smiles and brings the kid's arm around him again. "Welp, back to moving. It's cool that I've got a new friend!"

The child glances upward, hair still covering their eyes but slightly less so. "F...friend?"

"Of course!" Asriel bleats. "You seem nice enough, and you need help! I love making new friends." He chuckles. "Well, I kiiiiinda have to be extroverted since I'm a prince and all. Making subjects feel at ease...but I'm just me! And, I think it's gonna be super special awesome to show my monster friends a HUMAN!"

The human kid rubs her neck. "You aren't used to chatting with humans, huh?"

Asriel sighs. "Nah, but we'll see the surface one day and meet all the cool humans like you. And I want you to be with me when we finally break the barrier!"

The child gasps. "So the legends told in school are true...the barrier breaker, the monsters, the war..."

Asriel beams. "Wowie, sounds like your history teacher did their homework! This just shows that maybe not all humans are bad, being willing to teach about how the humans sealed us and all. Sounds like an honest person."

The child groans and bites her lip. "I have differing opinions on humans myself, but...tell me, what was your name again?"

"Oh, right!" Asriel says. "My full name is 'Prince Asriel Lazarus Dreemurr'."

"That's a mouthful," Chara snarks. "I'm just gonna call you 'Azzy' from now on; it makes it easier on me."

"Hmmm, 'Azzy'..." Asriel says to himself. "I like it!"

The goat's face turns up as the pair walk deeper into the Ruins. "We're gonna have so many adventures together! But first, we gotta get some food in you and heal you. You're all skinny and beaten up."

"Yeah...thanks," Chara says.

"It's no problem," Asriel says. "You're my friend, and I love you. And you deserve to be shown love!"

The first human's soul burned brightly. She closes her eyes as warm tears fall down her cheeks.

Chara loved her new friend.

Perhaps he'd even become a "BFF" or a "best friend forever," as the kids at her old school called it. 

***Author's Notes***

Good timezone, friends. I hope you're doing well. If you like, you may leave a kudos and also post comments.

Why did Chara run to the Underground? We know it was for a sad reason, as Asriel says at the end of true pacifist when Frisk (and the player) go to hang out with Azzy in the Ruins outskirts after he breaks the barrier. We know it was for a sad reason, but Azzy never knows for sure. My own headcanon is that Chara was abused, which is a viable reason as to hating humanity. I wanted this first chapter to not only be about why Chara ran to the Underground, but also that there are people out there who love them. Your blood doesn't necessarily determine your family; the people who love you and care for you are the ones who are your true family. That's the point of this first chapter.

We have two more chapters after this one, which will discuss more about Asriel/Flowey's grief over losing Chara, along with analyzing his guilt and self-hatred. Most importantly, the need for healing and raising awareness for people struggling with mental health pains will be touched upon.

Until I see you for the next chapter, take care. 

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