Jealous much?

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*No ones pov*

Wednesday gets too class early as usual and takes a seat at one of the desks in the corner.

"Goodmorning Wednesday" Xavier says

"Morning." Wednesday replies coldly

"Ouch, I'm a little hurt I thought we were friends now." Xavier says in a joking tone

"I don't need friends, everyone eventually dies alone." Wednesday says while getting her notebook out.

"Whatever you say, Wednesday." Xavier says letting out a small laugh. "Can I sit here?" He says while pointing at the chair next to Wednesday.

Class is starting and people start entering the room and getting ready. Enid walks in and notices Xavier and Wednesday talking. She feels a little down hoping that she could've sat by her roomate.

Enid walks to the last open seat next to Ajax. She sits down awkwardly trying to avoid any sort of contact with him. Ajax looks over and sighs, "Just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't be friends right?" Ajax says looking at Enid

"I mean.. we can still be friends but won't things be a little awk?" Enid says still not looking at him

"Hey, I get it! You like someone else, I won't be mad about you dumping me" He says while smiling.

"I never said I liked anyone" Enid says worriedly.

"I can tell you do, and ill figure out who soon."  Ajax says proudly

Enid laughs a little bit and Wednesday hears and looks over aat Enid lauging with Ajax.

Wednesday bites the inside of her bottom lip. "Why is she making me so angry." Wednesday thought cluelessly

During the whole rest of the hour Enid and Ajax talked and giggled with Wednesday getting more annoyed each time she heard Enid laugh.

At the end of class Enid tries to walk over to Wednesday but she ignores her and keeps walking. "What's she upset about?" Enid thought to herself

Enid chased her down the hall "Wednesday wanna eat together?!" Enid says loudly while trying to keep up with Wednesday.

"Can't you eat with Ajax?" She said in an annoyed tone.

"I thought I told you we broke up" Enid says confused

"Doesn't seem like it." Wednesday says under her breath but Enid heard it loud and clear

"Im telling you we did! Why are you so stuck up on that anyway. Your acting weird. Weirder than usual I mean." Enid says jokingly

"Anyway lets eat together, kay!?" She tells Wednesday.

Wednesday keeps walking not answering. "I guess I should just eat with her." Says in her head

"Ok lets go." Wednesday says feeling irritated.

"REALLY!?" Enid screams of joy

WENCLAIR : "Is this what love is?"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon