Jealousy or honesty?

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*no ones pov*

Wednesday was concentrating on on her typewriter when someone knocked on the door.

Wednesday ignored the knocking then she heard a familiar voice "Wednesday open up, I know you're in there I can hear you typing." A boy said

Wednesday let out a sigh "Im not trying to hide im just ignoring you Xavier." She replied coldly

"I have details on who might your 'stalker' be." Xavier informed

Wednesday then got up from her chair opening the door to see Xavier standing with a stupid smile on his face.

"My interest is peaked." Wednesday said cleary annoyed

"Awesome, should I come in or should we talk elsewhere?" He asked

"Does it have to be now? Enid is kinda be annoying right now and making me help her with a project." She responded with an irritated look on her face

"But you're just typing?" Xavier added

Wednesday glared at Xavier before replying "Im aware. She is taking forever to get supplies."

"Okay I'll text you when and where to meet up then" The boy said with a small laugh "Dont bail on me!" He added while walking down the hall

"I probably will" Wednesday mutterd under her breath

After a couple more minutes Enid came back with the supplies and they started working on the project.

"I've never seen you go on your phone so much." Enid said with a hint of curiosity

"Are you talking to someone?" She added

"Yeah" Wednesday replied still typing on her phone

Enid felt herself get a little irritated. "Oh really? Who are you talking to?" She asked trying to act normal

"No one really." She answered

Enid assumed Wednesday was trying to hide who she was talking too but in reality, Wednesday just thought of him as a nobody.

Enid bit her bottom lip in annoyance

"Well they've clearly peaked your interest huh?" She said obviously annoyed

"Yeah, he has." Wednesday replied cluelessly.

Enid sat up from the floor quickly "I dont need your help with this project anymore." She added in pure frustration

Wednesday just looked at Enid like a dumb puppy and also got up "Okay, I have to go now" She added while texting something to someone.

Enid felt her anger get worse as she seen Wednesday walk to her closet to get ready to go out somewhere. When Wednesday was getting ready Enid couldn't help but look through Wednesday's phone.

She opened her phone and clicked messages, she only has 2 peoples numbers. Enids and Xaviers.

She clicked Xaviers texts and and read them all

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