Back at Nevermore

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Hey bae's, I got tired of the Germany trip sooo I'm ending it rn. Hopefully you weren't expecting another Trip chapter

also my bad for not updating yesterday It was so nice out and I completely forgot


*No ones pov*

They had just gotten back from the long trip, very exhausted

"Finallyy!!" Enid exhaled as she threw her bags and flopped on her bed, rubbing her face on her fluffy pink pillow

Wednesday set her suitcase down gently as she instantly went to her type writer on her desk.

"Already going back at it huh?" Enid joked as she sat upright

Wednesday nodded as she answered "Yes, it has been quite dreadful without it. 

Enid got up from her bed as she leaned over Wednesday's shoulder to read what she's writing 

"You must have a lot of ideas, huh?" the colorful girl beside her asked

"I do have some idea's I've been waiting to write, but it's difficult when you're standing over me, Enid." Wednesday remarked leaning away from her a bit.

"Oh oops, sorry" She apologized as she backed away "Can you tell me about what you're writing?" Enid then questioned with a big smile

"I don't feel the need too, nor do I want too." The braided girl commented while continuing to type

Enid looked at her roommate for a couple seconds "You love writing stories so much, how come you never wanna talk about it?" 

Wednesday thought about all the times she tried to publish a book and all the editors telling her she can't or that it's too dark, not appreciating the actual story.

"I don't like writing, I just use it too clear my mind." she lied.

Enid gave Wednesday the 'Be for real.' look

"what?" Wednesday uttered knowing it was obvious she liked to write.

"Just talk to me about itt!!" Enid whined "

She sighed "okay fine, what do you want to know?" 

"Just tell me about the character's and stuff!" The now excited she-wolf exclaimed

Wednesday started explaining the main character, then the plot, after that she told about the important characters back stories, then she told Enid about her future idea's and spoiled just about everything, After Wednesday talked about her story for a couple minutes she got more into it and couldn't stop talking, getting somewhat excited. 

Enid couldn't really care less about the story but she was having a blast listening to her introverted girlfriend talk so much, she kept asking questions that she didn't care about just to make Wednesday happy and it worked, she noticed her smile a couple times before going back to her usual, cold gaze.

"Are you thinking about giving any character's a love interest?" Enid questioned with a small grin to tease Wednesday

"Why would I? Were you not listening, The book is about how she keeps getting away with murder." Wednesday informed with a confused look

"I know, I know we've been talking about this for an hour! But think about how romantic it would be if she like fell in love with the detective that was looking for her and the detective knew it was her murdering all the people but she didn't want her to get sent to prison cause she loved her too!!" The blondie squealed 

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