Shes just being friendly. right?

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*no ones pov*

Wednesday is typing her novel as usual, when she hears someone knock the the door to her dorm

Wednesday sighs and gets up to open the door, once she opens it she sees a familiar face. Its one of Enids close friends

"Hey Wednesday, is Enid here?" Yoko asked

"She left to get papers she'll be back in a second." Wednesday replied

"Is it fine if I wait here?" Enids friend asked

Wednesday nodded as she let Yoko in the room, Yoko sat on Enids bed waiting for her return

A little time goes by and Enid rushes through the room

"Yoko? What're you doing here?" Enid questioned

"Hey girl, I have got to tell you this!" Yoko exclaimes

Wednesday watches as the girls gossip and gets annoyed not being able to focus on her novel.

Wednesday gets up about to leave the dorm

"Where are you going Wednesday?" Enid asked

"Your guys gossip is making my ears bleed, and not in a good way." Wednesday answered coldly

"In what way is ears bleeding ever good.." Enid asked puzzled

Wednesday then left the dorm to get some fresh air.

"Seriously Enid I don't know what you see in that girl, you're total opposites" Yoko sighed

"Opposites attract?" Enid responded with an awkward laugh

"Speaking of you know who, last night we were like 1 inch away from eachothers faces!" Enid squealed

"You were definitely flirting and she wasn't taking a hint weren't you." Yoko said bluntly

"Yea.." She whined

"I swear Wednesday can be cute but also very dense." Enid added while putting her face in both her hands

"Wednesday just doesn't get love" Yoko remarked "who knows she could be mega inlove with you and have no idea"

"You think?" Enid replied with a small blush

"Thats my guess" Enids friend said with a shrug

"I kinda doubt it, Wednesday is dense but shes not dumb" Enid said crossing her arms

Wednesday is now walking back to the dorm but stops before opening the door

"Enid I'd say they best chance you got is just telling Wednesday you like her."

"I get too nervy I cant!!"

Wednesday was listening through the door.

A shade of red quickly covered Wednesday's face.

"What is Enid saying?" Wednesday thought to herself "She likes me? As in friends right? Not lovers?"

Wednesday could feel her face heat up more and more as she thought.

"Shes definitely talking about her liking me in a friendly way." Wednesday took a deep breath in
"Wait didn't she say she had a crush on a girl though? Im a girl!!" Wednesdays thoughts were going 90mph

Wednesday finally let a big breath out through her nose and opened the door.

Enid and Yoko quickly stopped talking

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