Chapter Five

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We were watching Fast and Furious Seven, for the billionth time, I felt comfortable, completely at ease with everything. It had been about three weeks since I'd left the hospital, my small wound was healing up nicely but was still a little sore with pressure.
I'd spoken to Tyler on the phone several times, he'd been busy recording at the studio in Birmingham. Our conversations were exciting to me, I'd never been able to open up to someone like that before. I had completely forgotten he was some pop star. The way he had said I'd "done something" to him when we bumped into each other back at the hospital. Now I understood what he meant because the same thing was happening to me. I'd never felt like this before. I'd had crushes and been with boys before but this was different. There was something about him and I couldn't take my mind off of him. When I thought of him my mind really did go "wild".
We woke up on the sofa still in-front of the TV, Toni was still fast asleep - she looked so peaceful. My phone was buzzing and moving itself along on the glass coffee table in front of us, as if it had little ant legs - it made me chuckle. I reached out over the abyss of the carpet below me and grabbed it. 'Unknown', I answered. "Hello?", "What are you doing today?", it was Tyler - he sounded excited. "Mmm I don't know, I think I might have breakfast first..." I teased. "Come to Birmingham, I need to see you", "Yes Sir!", I could hear him laughing on the other end. "Catch the one-thirty train from Shrewsbury to New Street", "Hmm maybe...I'll go get breakfast and I'll see if Madame Holt can drive to the station" "Yesss!", I could tell that his comment was supposed to be more underneath his breath, I laughed. "Let me know okay?" "Okay". I went to the bathroom to change out of my pyjamas. I brushed my teeth and went back downstairs to the kitchen. "Mrs Holt do you think it would be possible to get a lift to the station for one twenty?", "Well I'm actually just out to a meeting, but I know my sister is just about to pop out to drop Billy back off at the Wishers house, I'm sure she'd be more than happy to take you. Are you leaving us so soon? Or will we be expecting you back tomorrow?", she smiled "I'll be back tomorrow no doubt, if that's no problem of course", "No trouble at all sweetie! It is so good to see you, I've missed you pottering around the house".
"He asked you to come to Birmingham to see him!?" Toni was a little surprised when I told her, her reaction was funny, "Oh my god Mimi this is amazing, ugh I'm so happy for you, jealous but happy" we laughed about it for a while joking about it all and how fast everything had happened. But mostly we laughed at how I was happy and both mother and daughter agreed it was good to see a smile back on my face.
Billy leapt out of the car and came running at me, "Mimi, oh my god!" He hugged me tight avoiding my side thank god, none of them needed to know about that right now. He hugged me for a long while, Toni laughed at him. He drew back. "Oh my god, it's actually actually you" he exclaimed quietly. "Hey Billy, it's good to see you" I was almost crying. I hadn't seen Billy in almost over a year. "How- how've you been...ugh I've missed you so much", he hugged me again. I felt so utterly loved. "I've been good, yeah. School's good and A levels are going well, you?". I hugged Mrs Johnson as well and then we went on our way. During the journey to the station we caught up on everything and laughed about it all, it was almost like I'd been there all the while, like I'd never gone away. I told him about Tyler "ugh he's gorgeous! You're so lucky", "well I don't know, I mean I guess he's a little pretty but he's not exactly my type. We'll see what happens'', I tried to cover up my massive crush on this man unfazed. they dropped me off at the station and as they drove away Billy shouted out of the window "Go get em girl!" I shouted back "I don't know you!" He blew a kiss back at me and I caught it in my fist. I caught my train on time and took a seat next to the window so that I could think to myself, I needed to understand what was happening.
Tyler Scott had asked me to come and see him in Birmingham because he "needed" to see me. I kept forgetting that he was famous, when I was with him I kind of just forgot everything that mattered like that.
Surely if he was seen with someone in a city the cameras would find him, surely it would stir gossip about him and jeopardise his reputation. He knew this but he was doing it despite all that. He was spontaneous, like me.
I got to New Street and walked through the station carrying a small bag with me.
There he was at the doors. He had a bodyguard with him, obviously - I thought. "Amelia!" He shouted across the station. I wanted to melt away. It was so embarrassing. This had never happened to me before. I laughed and smiled at him from behind the barriers. I waved subtlety. "Amelia hey!", he could see he was embarrassing me, so he continued. People were starting to look and they started to realise who Tyler was. I got through the barriers and he walked quickly over to me, he hugged me. And I hugged him back. It was instinct and it felt so natural, it wasn't forced. He took my hand and led me to where he'd been standing. "This is Josh, he's um, a friend", he said wavering, "Your bodyguard", I said smiling, "It's nice to meet you Josh", we shook hands "It's good to meet you too, Amelia, Tyler's been going on about you all night, every night. Keeps me up", he was teasing Tyler, I laughed and looked at Tyler, "Josh, really?", he said a little annoyed. We made our way out of the station and got into a smart black car. A different one from the limo, but then again Tyler was a celebrity. Why not make the most out of it?
Tyler had a slot booked in at a recording studio so I went along with him and stood behind the glass watching him. When he sang his eyes closed and his forehead crinkled. He used his hands to express his emotion and the power from his voice hit me through the glass. His vocal range stretched across four octaves, maybe more. I'm not joking, the power in his voice was truly incredible, it made me shiver. At one point he opened his eyes to look at me as he sang continuing the song still looking at me all the while. I didn't know what was happening to me, I couldn't control what I felt for him. It was so real and overwhelming. I wasn't bored. I was too absorbed in that moment to be bored.
"And...?", he asked as he came back in, "Hmm-Oh I've seen better", I smiled. He smiled back. "So what next?" I asked, "What are you doing everyday for the rest of the Spring break?", he said this as if he already knew the he was just testing me. "Well I have nothing to get back to and nothing to do, although I should probably go and see my friends at some point.", He smiled and did that thing again when he faced the floor but was looking up at me, it was his signature move. "Come with me, come everywhere with me", I laughed, he reached out his palm and took my hand, "Next stop London. Come with me. I'm performing at the O2 in three weeks time, I want you to be my guest.", "Oh I don't know...loud, busy, concerts - not really my thing", I said regrettably. "But didn't you just go to one?", he said laughing, "That actually wasn't my choice - these two girls from school thought it would be fun. And hey! What a barrel of laughs it ended up being!", he laughed and looked down at the floor again catching my eyes in a glance. "I will think about it...but don't count on it", I said, giving in slightly to his kind eyes. He smiled softly "thank you", he whispered.
A man walked in and broke our moment.
He was short, clean shaven and crisp looking. He was young and had some kind of gel to style his hair. "Who's this then? I've been to every newspaper, on the phone with all of them to get this story covered up, do you know what it means to keep the correct profile Mr Scott!", before Tyler could answer, the man proceeded, "IT MEANS NOT PICKING UP LITTLE GIRLS OF THE STREET!", he was so angry it scared me. What did he mean by "little girl" anyway, I was only a year younger than Tyler. I'd been moved down a year at school because of my behaviour and my lack of attendance. "Jake. How good of you to join us. This is Amelia, a good friend of mine", Tyler smiled and his look was of an apology on Jake's behalf. "Amelia this is Jake Jones my manager." I smiled. I didn't want to shake hands with him, he didn't seem like the type who'd want to shake hands with the accused. "It's nice to meet you Jake.", I said instead - trying to sound like I meant it. "Hmm...Yes well, I wish I could say the same. You will have to go, I mean you can't possibly stay around here, you've caused too much of a scandal.", he looked at me down his nose even though he was probably exactly my height, it was quite comical watching him try though. "Jake, she's not going anywhere. She can stay as long as she wants and I'd like her to stay. If you go around clearing up every scandal no one will think my life is natural. It just looks weird having a completely clean slate. She stays with me", Tyler was strong minded and very defensive. I didn't exactly know what to say or how to act at this moment. "Hmph" Jake left the room dissatisfied. "I am so s-", "it's fine, honestly it's fine", "Are you not worried about any of this...this mess I've landed you in?", he reached out and took both my hands this time, he was leaning against the side of the desk and pulled me a little closer to him. "I couldn't ask for any better company right now, this is the best thing that could have happened. I don't care what the newspapers have to say, what they say about us being friends, about how different we are, about how I'm going to see you everyday of the spring. Fuck all that...I don't care". We had a moment of silence, just staring at each-other, into each other's eyes. It was so perfect. Too perfect - like a movie moment, I smiled. There was laughing in my head.

The Race Car that was Tyler ScottDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora