Chapter Eleven

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If you don't want to read smut....def skip this chapter....for those of you that do - tell me what u think 🔥🫦

We drove back to his hotel and he escorted me to the elevator. We stood in awkward silence side by side. The same thoughts rushing through both of our minds. Tyler's hand touched mine, the millisecond meant everything. He held my shoulder and pushed me to the wall of the box we were in. He kissed me again and again. His lips touched my jaw, he then kissed my neck and down to my collar bone. I mirrored him. Kissing his lips and then his neck. His hands held the small of my back firmly. His breathing sped up. Neither one of us could see what was happening as we had both shut our eyes.
The elevator stopped on the fourteenth floor and there he lifted me up, my legs wrapped around his waist and he walked us into his room. Tyler tried to swipe his key card over the electronic light switch pad on the wall beside the door but he failed. He cursed, making me laugh a little, and threw the key card onto a glass coffee table. The room remained dark. He kicked the door shut behind him. All the while I still clung to him like a koala. kissing him over and over. It was so aggressive. Like bottled up anger our emotions exploded onto each other. I was so in love with him. His arms released my back as he undid his shirt buttons, I helped him starting at the top - it was tricky though, at the speed at which I was going. 'Speed not haste', Bea's words echoed in my head and I grinned. Tyler threw his shirt onto the floor behind him. He lowered me onto the ground, his trousers around his ankles - he stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. His actions slowed as his breathing tried desperately to do the same. He moved closer to me and reached out. His hand caressed my collar bone, Tyler's touch sent my mind wild. I stared at his hand as he pushed my dress strap over the oblivion of my shoulder, he did the same to the other side. My dress sank to the floor leaving me almost bare. I reached behind me to unclasp my bra. I nudged it over my shoulders and caught it before dropping it to the floor. Tyler reached down to my face and kissed me, slowly this time. His hands felt down my shoulders and then around my back, they reached down lower until he lifted me up again, my legs around his waist. I kissed him calmly now. We were in control. His grip was at the back of my head. Each of his fingers stretched out and contracted again underneath my hair, his fingers were so strong. His other hand held the small of my back. Both of my hands were at the back of his head. His hair deep and thick, I traced through it. My legs clutched him tightly and my cold, bare feet touched each other behind him. I kissed him for a long time, my eyes closed, the lights still off. He leant over, lowering us until I felt the sheets beneath me. He lay over me not touching me though; he hovered, looking down at me, his deep blue eyes boring into mine. It felt as though I was there with him and yet outside of my own body at the same time. I looked up at him as he caressed my cheek and started to slowly plant close mouthed kisses down my neck to my collar bone and lower. He trailed his kisses down my chest and over my stomach, he stopped at the hem of my underwear and brought himself back up slowly to face me, he stayed there looking at me expectantly for a second "Are you sure?". His question warmed my heart, I could trust this man unequivocally, I was safe when I was with him which meant I wanted to be as close to him as space would allow. I smiled slightly and nodded a small nod in response, he moved his body down again and slid my underwear down my  legs and dropped them onto the floor, he trailed kisses up the inside of my thigh on the way back up and my breathing became more irregular as he edged closer to my core. I felt his warm breath over me and I instinctively bit my lip as I looked down at him between my legs. "Oh babe, when you do that..." his voice came out low and gravelly and the sentence trailed off as he took one last look at me before dipping his head back to where it had been. I felt his breath again and suddenly I gasped as I felt the wet caress of his tongue against my core. He buried his head between my thighs, his strong arms around my legs, securing his position as bit by bit I came apart for him. "Oh fuck Tyler", I managed to stumble for a half moan half whisper, he almost growled and continued to work magic between my legs. I had been biting my lip to stop myself from making too much noise, but there came a point when I could no longer help it. My entire body started to shiver with intense pleasure as I barely managed to make out his name in this flood of physical and emotional ecstasy. He stopped his movements without warning but before I had time to question it, he came up to face me, hovering above me as he'd done before. "You taste so good and you are mine", I nodded, still in a state of extreme pleasure, I needed release and he was going to give it to me. In one swift movement he slid himself inside of me. I couldn't control the noise that came out of my mouth as he deepened himself between my thighs. His hands grabbed mine and he held them above my head as he started to create a slow rhythm. I was so in love with this feeling, he was in total control and he made me feel safe, he made me feel as though, if I died tomorrow, I know I would have truly lived. He leant his face down and buried it in the crook of my neck as he drove himself into me, faster now, our movements were simultaneous as I moved with him, rolling my hips up to meet his as we both grew closer to the edge. He let go of my hands above my head and I immediately dug my nails into the skin on his back, he groaned in pleasure and moved one hand down between us to touch me, I started to moan uncontrollably quickly coming apart beneath his movements, "That's good, cum for me Amelia. Good girl", his words were the final push I needed and we both fell apart at that moment, burying his head in the crook of my neck "You are amazing". He rolled to my side to look at me, he kissed my cheek, then my forehead and then the tip of my nose before pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me. I felt at peace and soon fell asleep.

The Race Car that was Tyler ScottHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin