Chapter Twenty-One

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She walked out of the door, away from me. My heart beat outside of me. I knew what I had done wasn't a mistake but I wanted to tell myself desperately that it was and that tomorrow all of this would be forgotten. I stood still, frozen, watching the empty door frame that was opened onto the hallway outside. I turned to the window that overlooked the busy street below. The doors directly below me opened and she walked out of them, across the street. She must have been blind with anger or heartbreak because she didn't acknowledge the traffic, the cars and bikes and motorcycles zooming from left to right. She didn't see that car.
Horns started to flare. And as I watched, paralysed, I saw her fall. Her delicate body was thrown so carelessly several feet in front off its bonnet. The car stopped and a man and a woman jumped from both passenger and driver doors. I sprung into action. I ran. I don't even remember the journey down, I just remember being there already. I pushed people out of the way and barged my way through the dense circle of passer-by's that had stopped to just watch, they just watched and stared. No one did anything, they murmured.
I reached her. I knelt down beside her and brought her warm body close to mine. "Amelia, Amelia, you're going to be just fine, stay with me baby", she made a faint noise. A quiet grunt. Hope. "Tyler...", she whispered up at me. Speaking right now would make her weaker, "Shh, save your strength", I tear rolled down my cheek and fell onto her forehead. It mixed with the blood making it run a little faster down the side of her face and onto her ear. "Tyler...", she said again, "...I love you", she smiled and her eyes opened a little, they were filled with water. "Oh Amelia, I love you too. I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry, I'm-", her raspy, quiet voice interrupted me, "Shh, I love you...Tyler", her eyes flickered and shut again. She smiled silently. Another tear trickled down the crease of my nose. And hit her forehead. I knew. I knew now that that was it, she was going forever. It was my fault. Another tear fell, and another. They started to collect on my top lip, just below my nose. I was cold, her body warmed me, as my arms were wrapped around her. I watched her face. Her smile began to sink, it began to fall. I stared harder, I must have been hallucinating, this couldn't be real, this couldn't really be happening.
In that moment she was beautiful, she always had been but she was beautiful now in a different way, a simple way. The light caught the strands of auburn in her hair and brought out their vibrancy, making her look more alive than ever.
Her breathing had slowed right down. It stopped. I panicked. "No, No! No! Amelia! Amelia! I love you. I'm so sorry. I love you.", I had been oblivious to my surroundings. A man in a green uniform was holding my shoulders, he pulled me away slightly. I resisted him. I wouldn't leave her. He was stronger though the second time and in my grief I was weak. He pulled me backwards, I watched two others lift her onto a clean white board, on clean white legs, which stood on clean white wheels. I looked at their faces, their emotionless, expressionless faces. I watched, frozen as they flew a zip over her body, covering it, engulfing it in a long yellow bag. I kept watching as her face disappeared. Then the doors shut in front of me, they slammed on my muffled ears. She was gone. 

The End.

Lol should I do a sequel...
Sorryyy...16yo me had a v fatalist idea of things :)
I know what I think of this but do let me know in the comments I'd love some feedback 💚💚 Hope you enjoyed, if you didn't....I hope you had a laugh :)

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