Chapter Twenty

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"They're right", Tyler said firmly and coldly, "What?", I was deeply confused. My emotions were running high on adrenaline, fear and anger. "The people, the public, everyone. They're all right, we shouldn't be together", he wouldn't look at me. I repeated myself, "What?", "We shouldn't be together Amelia", he said, louder now. He looked to the floor still. "You made a promise to me, you swore you would never leave me, that you would always protect me", I took a step forward towards him as my eyes welled up, this time my tears were hot; rage. He took a step back, "Don't, don't come any closer", he still wouldn't look at me. I took another step and then held his chin to lift it up so that he would meet my eyes with his. He swiped and slapped my hand away, it shocked me and I gasped. "Don't - just don't-", I interrupted fiercely, "Why?", "Because I love you Amelia. I love you and it's killing me that we can't be together", "Why?", I asked again. "Because of things like this!", he raised his voice, "And don't say that we can escape it because we can't, and even if we could, it wouldn't be a normal life. I can't give you a normal life; the life that you are entitled to", he inhaled sharply at the end of his monologue. I stood still. I had so many thoughts, I didn't know which one to focus on. "You swore to me-", he interrupted me this time, "Yes I swore to you, that I would always love you, that I would always protect you. By doing this I am only upholding that promise, by leaving you I am protecting you, taking the danger element away, giving you what you deserve", I answered him quickly, "You think I deserve heartbreak?", I said in a quiet and feeble voice, fighting the tears which had already won. "No, a life Amelia, you deserve a life. A life of opportunity, not closed doors", nothing he could have said at this point would have made any difference to me. "You broke a promise", the strength in my voice returned. I took one last look at him before turning and walking out of the door.

The Race Car that was Tyler ScottWhere stories live. Discover now