Chapter Fifteen

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"How was it?", Tyler asked as I came back through the doors of the hotel. It was like I'd crossed one thing off my mental list, I'd seen and spoken to Morty and now I was concentrating on the fact that both my parents were dead. Tyler's smile was comforting and hopeful, I burst into tears and he walked quickly up to me. "Amelia...hey, hey it's okay", his voice was so smooth and delicate, he held his arms tightly behind my back, bringing me closer to him. I felt sad that I didn't have any parents and also angry. Why would my father commit suicide when he had two children. I felt happy that I had a brother but confused that it was Morty because now I felt as though I barely knew him. And I felt guilty for burdening Tyler with all of it and ashamed that I appeared so weak in front of him. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Tyler", I said finally, breathing sharply between the words. He pushed me slightly away, holding my shoulders in his big hands, "Sorry for what?", he was confused, I could understand why he would be. "Because I'm the cause of all these problems. I-I- if it wasn't for me, my mother...wouldn't be dead and then my father wouldn't be dead, can't you see...this- this is all me. And now I'm bringing you down with-", he gripped my shoulders more tightly now as he interrupted me. "Stop, Amelia stop. None of this, none of this is you. Your parents chose to have another child, death took your mother away and it was your father's choice to take his own life...not yours. As for me, I couldn't care less if I'm being brought down because- because I know it's worth it, because I love you. I need to know though, are you okay with all this? I know it's taken its toll on you and maybe you want to spend some time away from the city", Tyler spoke his mind, he was a force that I couldn't compete with. "I love you", I said smiling a little now, he brought me close to him again, "And I you", he said.

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