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Chapter 213: Li Hanchen Fools Mu Sheng Into Calling Him Big Bro

Li Hanchen was caught by surprise, but he quickly composed himself. "How did you know?"

Mu Sheng showed him her phone. "That's what people are saying online."

Li Hanchen glanced at her phone. "I see. Well, I took it for fun. Is there a problem?"

Mu Sheng looked at Li Hanchen perplexedly before she asked quizzically, "Did you know you would be partnering with me?"

Li Hanchen raised his brows slightly. "Is that so? That is quite the coincidence."

Just as Mu Sheng was about to continue, Li Hanchen turned his head. "I did not know you were appearing on this show. I agreed to it because they offered me money."

Mu Sheng swallowed the words at the tip of her tongue. They had a lot of expenses to deal with, so Mu Sheng had an inkling of the kind of pressure Li Hanchen was under. "Fine. You have to promise me one thing."

"Uh huh."

"Don't let anyone know that we know each other." Mu Sheng looked at Li Hanchen solemnly.

Jiang Tian had said this to Mu Sheng a gazillion times.

Mu Sheng was an up-and-coming idol, so she could not have any scandals. She especially could not be caught dating.

Despite how friendly Jiang Tian was by nature, he was very persistent when it came to matters of work.

Li Hanchen contemplated before he nodded slightly. "I get it. Don't worry."

For some reason, Mu Sheng felt Li Hanchen seemed particularly disappointed right now. "I..."

Before Mu Sheng could finish her sentence, Li Hanchen turned his head. "I get it that you are a celebrity. Don't worry. I won't let the viewers find out that you are acquainted with the likes of me."

Mu Sheng went quiet. Although it was exactly what she wanted, she inexplicably felt upset when she heard it from Li Hanchen's mouth.

It sounded as though Mu Sheng detested Li Hanchen or something.

"That was not what I meant. It is not that I don't like you. I just need to keep up my image as a single woman, okay? I can't let the viewers find out I am seeing someone." Mu Sheng told Li Hanchen exactly what Jiang Tian said to her.

Li Hanchen's eyes glinted slightly. "I see. Does this mean we are dating?"

Mu Sheng went speechless and was stunned by Li Hanchen's logic. She opened her eyes wider. "No, we aren't."

Li Hanchen could no longer suppress his laughter. "I was just teasing you. Don't worry. I already promised not to make your life difficult."

Mu Sheng went quiet. She was absolutely infuriated by his teasing, so she turned to walk out.

Li Hanchen called her from behind, "I would like to have some water. Never mind. I will get it on my own."

Mu Sheng went quiet. She turned to glance at Li Hanchen on the bed. "How could you get yourself water in the state you are in? Just stay put."

Mu Sheng went out to get a cup of water for him the moment she finished her sentence.

Li Hanchen smiled as he looked at Mu Sheng's cool face.


Meanwhile, at the Li family.

Li Jun was finally saved. Sadly, it took so much time to save Li Jun that he was already beaten until his face was unrecognizable by the time they got to him.

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