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Chapter 226: Mu Sheng Is Mesmerized by Li Hanchen

Television dramas were usually filmed and fully produced before they got aired. However, "Song of Youth" did the opposite and was aired after partial filming so that they could make adjustments to the script based on the market reaction.

"Song of Youth" was a television drama based on a popular novel with a massive following. The moment the show aired, it was the talk of the town.

It was a story about school life 20 years ago, and the production team did a good job producing the set.

The sound of insects chirping in the summer could be heard before young and energetic students came into sight.

A teacher stood on the podium teaching fervently in the noisy classroom. The audience instantly felt immersed in the youthful bubbly atmosphere.

Ruan Yingying and Qiao Siyu were the male and female leads of the television drama.

The instant Qiao Siyu appeared dressed in a white school uniform riding a bike, everyone turned to look.

Ruan Yingying was standing in the crowd dressed in a long white skirt. A soft breeze swept in the air before she smiled and made eye contact with Qiao Siyu.

[Not bad. It feels just like the book. Not bad at all! I was worried about Ruan Yingying's acting skills. Judging from this image, I think it should be okay.]

[It has stolen my heart! Qiao Siyu is gorgeous. He looked just like what I expected of the male lead!]

[Isn't Mu Sheng on the show as well? I watched "A Journey Through Food" and fell in love with her, so I came to follow her on the drama.]

[Are you nuts? Mu Sheng is just a third-rate supporting actress. Keep your mouth shut. This is Ruan Yingying's drama, okay?]

Since Ruan Yingying was the female lead, Mu Sheng's fans stopped talking about it online and quietly waited for Mu Sheng to appear.

After waiting all night, Mu Sheng did not appear.

Meanwhile, at the live telecast channel.

Some people asked when Mu Sheng would appear on the show.

Mu Sheng was taking a break from gaming when she said, "Maybe in three days. After all, my part was minor."

[I will wait for it! I saw the production photos. It looks lovely. I am sure we won't be disappointed.]

[Smirk... Considering Mu Sheng's acting skills... She is just good at gaming. As for acting, she can forget about it.]

Mu Sheng turned off the live telecast at 11:00 pm and logged into her bank account.

She checked digit by digit the amount of money she had left...

After checking, Mu Sheng felt she was impoverished. Why was it so hard to make money?

"A Journey Through Food" might be a hit, but Mu Sheng could not get any money for it until it was done filming.

How could she make money?

Mu Sheng randomly surfed online until a piece of news at the bottom of the internet browser caught her attention.

Since they were in an internet era, the internet was a big part of everyone's lives, so internet security became a top priority.

Masters of hacking had become highly sought-after commodities.

Every year, an international hacking competition called PW Hacking Tournament was held for the sake of finding new talent, and it came with a generous reward.

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